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Monday, April 17, 2023

Inspirational Post:Red Barn

 The Red Barn

Being on the farm, what's in the red barn?

Looking around it could be many choices.

Horses, cows, swine, chickens, maybe even people!

Walking with wonder to find the answer,

The mind is full of imaginary anticipation.

Step by step the heart beats louder.

Nearing the barn door the eyes open wider.

The first stride in, is complete exhilaration,

Which instantly takes over.

What's actually inside?

Enough of life itself to fill and move a heart with, 

This time and place of a lifetime.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Cheerful Post

 A Surprise Ending

You're in the play and you watch all day.

As time moves on, one can almost predict the result.

With all it's twist's and turns, it does leave room for some sway.

Then the story begins to wind-down....the day.

For one, the outcome may become eternity in waiting,

For another, it brings an unexpected smile of soothing comfort.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, April 10, 2023

Poetic Post


It's based on 24.

Every now and then you check the score. 

How can it be the only time we calmy see, is at the end.

The end of morning, noon and night.

The scurry makes you want to take a flight.

But one must remember, ultimately to our reprieve we know, 

That 24, can go no more...

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, April 6, 2023

Parody Post

An Original

In this copycat world it's a curious happening as you look around and see, reproductions everywhere.

From personal look-alike styles, colors, clothing and attitudes, speech and actions...it's endless.

Makes you wonder where is the thought of being genuine?

Oh, but there are originals somewhere, it's that they're being camouflaged by aspiring replicas.

It may be time to visit the nearest auction house to certify if possible, some sense of  authenticity!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, April 3, 2023

Music Post

It's Ringing In My Ears

 Sometimes it's the first chord that gets you.

Other times the rhythm drives your beat.

One thing is for certain once the tune grabs you, it moves you fiercely.

The joy of taking your music anywhere is such a plus.

Like a good friend always there always faithful.

Never miss a moment to put on that playlist and enthusiastically as well as spontaneously, enjoy the music...ringing in your ears. 

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, March 30, 2023

Optimistic Post

 Perfect Combination

When things in life are clicking on all cylinders it's great. 

It's that rare time and place where all elements are working together in unison. 

These can be, agreements on important issues, swift timing is working almost effortlessly, and people involved are doing their share with ease.

 Instances such as these seem rare and far between. 

All we can do is enjoy and understand that it's time to make the most of this, "Perfect Combination."

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve



All Rights Reserved 2023

Monday, March 27, 2023

Mindful Post

 It Could Go Either Way

In life there is very rarely a sure thing.

Although it looks overly positive that it's going to be in your favor,

Oftentimes it turns the other way.

Just like the flip of a coin at best, it's a 50/50 proposition.

In the best of case scenarios, put in some faith and hope, plan with the intention of bucking the odds.

Then, be prepared to let the chips fall where they may.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve



All Rights Reserved 2023

What is the Plan

First review, it's not a scam. Are we going forward or… Leaning backwards towards a jam. Even though it's not on paper May have...