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Monday, April 8, 2024

Thoughtful Post


Say What You Mean

We shouldn’t have to read


Liveliness would come and go

No need for a screen to filter

Intentions squeaky clean.

Not all circumstances are an

Easy speak.

What goes well with a necessary

Verbal juncture, contains

Honesty, Character, forthrightness.

Gleaming all hesitation and


Less fluffiness with total

Direct caring leads to a,

Clear-cut conclusion with a

Expressively confident affectedness.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, April 1, 2024

Optimistic Post

Close Encounters

Can be as meaningful as

A forever alliance.

It’s like a flip of,

A coin.

In an instant this can be

Memorable or forgettable.

As positive-negative.



Being alive experiencing

This exhilarating point in

Time, leaves wisdom and,

Reverence instilled in

Life’s biography.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Sunday, March 24, 2024

Thoughtful Post

 Sometime Today

It’ll go my way.

Thoughts of relaxation at the end of

The day,

Seems too long to wait for some pay.

Clock keeps ticking challenging the


Why wait for the end when the next

24 is already in store.

Breaking the grid of the grind

Means leaving the world behind.

What a liberating choice, one immediately

Commences to rejoice.

Driving, walking, swimming, reminiscing

All brings joy easy to deploy.

It’s a well-deserved breach from the

Recurring plan…

We all deserve to take that stand.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Mindful Post : Lifes Merry-Go-Round

Can you stop, you want to

Get off?

It's just a pause in reality,

Life goes on.

The journey has many halts

Along the path.

There always is a continuance scheduled.

These pauses have many

Forms for one to experience.

Wonderful vacations, birthday celebrations

Wedding ceremonies.

We all know and participate in

The adverse events going


We keep our stride find the

Tempo and skitter back onto

The carousel of life and

Partake in the affairs of the day.

hope you enjoyed the reading,


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Optimistic Post

 Spring’s Renewal

Coming out of the cold

This never gets old.

Turning grey and brown to

Colors that behold.

Not only does nature

Take its stake but

One’s spirit becomes wide


Blooms and trees revitalize

The stage.

Irregardless of any age.

Scents of Roses, Violets and

Lavender mist the air to

Carry their messages.

Bouncy strides within us,

As we congratulate the

Spring for delivering natures

Rhythmical renewal.

hope you enjoyed the reading,


Saturday, March 2, 2024

Feature Post:To What End

Dare we say again?

When hope is last and truth


Why does the system forge ahead?

People are not machines pushing

Levers to continue the plight.

Medicine, insurance and institutions

Have their contrivances.

Does that mean we can’t take a stand?

Watching loved ones well into their later years,

Dreading physical therapy, when all eyes

Daily can see no yields.

Time has come for money and institutions

To turn the page, from numbers and turn

The care towards personal dignity.

Hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Cheerful Post

 What's the Hurry?

Everyone moving around in a scurry 

Makes you wonder, what's the hurry?

Moving all around at times upside down.

What's the meaning of this behavior

One can get lost almost needing a savior.

The deeds will be done sooner or later.

Why put ourselves through this crazy pace

When after all, it's not a race!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...