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Monday, May 20, 2024

Wholesome Post

  Pass The Time Away

It helps address the sway.

When you obtain the opportunity,

Make the most with complete impunity.

Time of the essence rules the days.

No need to always keep it that way.

Listening to favorite music can please,

Ones obligations to not be passe.

Walking the family dog releases

Emotions of connecting to canine life,

Shedding the cover of human life.

Taking in natures integrated Labyrinth of birds, plants

Trees, insects and the animal kingdom,

Reflects the total realm of our


Taking the time to immerse yourself,

May offer new incites to personal

Existence, in due time.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Mindful Post

  Is This The Way

Seems different from yesterday.

What was once a certain


Has now divided into

Splintered enticements of,


Envisioning one course over

Another contains uneasiness.

Hoping a sign will present


They can be masked as well.

In due time the light that

Shines the brightest

Will show the intended design. 

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Friday, May 3, 2024

Intriguing Post

  Glimpse Into The Future

When told of getting old is spoken

Early on in life, no heed taken.

Years to go before

I slow.

Suddenly, stricken with necessary surgery…

Not even able to touch

A toe.

Caring help aiding revival surely makes

One think about the ensuing latter years.

Attentively engaging in the warm up


Relying on loved ones,

Finding a way to be moderately


Fortunate to make breakfast, walk the walk

Tend to the garden…

Bill’s and shopping, cleaning and scrubbing

In the hands of others.

Emboldened with the first-hand view of the

Inevitable pending…

Collecting it all to ready oneself towards

The preferred subtle serene…


hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Inspirational Post

  A Need To Get Away

Chase the need to stay.

Ho-hum, can make one end up

In sickbay.

Routines of work, groceries, clock watching begs of


Won’t take much to envision the

Sun’s infusion on the spirit.

Warm weather, blue-green ocean waters

Giving to waves gladly dousing the senses.

Daydreaming of being catered around the clock,

Never out of stock.

When the need turns into necessity

Deal with the process take the first step of

Your self-inclined mandate.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Inspirational Post

 Spring's Renewal

Coming out of the cold

This never gets old.

Turning grey and brown to

Colors that behold.

Not only does nature

Take its stake but

One’s spirit becomes wide


Blooms and trees revitalize

The stage.

Irregardless of any age.

Scents of Roses, Violets and

Lavender mist the air to

Carry their messages.

Bouncy strides within us,

As we congratulate the

Spring for delivering natures

Rhythmical renewal.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, April 15, 2024

Inspirational Post

 Fallen Branches

The view is very concerning.

What was once very warming,

Suddenly, diminished to fragmented


Fathers gone by, initiating the fall of

Family ties.

Slowly, but surely connections lost.

Who’s at the helm?

Generations adrift no more


A foundation surely shaken

Is there a chance someone can


It comes down to love and all it

Can offer.

This takes more than one to

Collect the branches.

Only time will tell if they

Can break the spell.

First, it’ll take one to ring the


Hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, April 8, 2024

Thoughtful Post


Say What You Mean

We shouldn’t have to read


Liveliness would come and go

No need for a screen to filter

Intentions squeaky clean.

Not all circumstances are an

Easy speak.

What goes well with a necessary

Verbal juncture, contains

Honesty, Character, forthrightness.

Gleaming all hesitation and


Less fluffiness with total

Direct caring leads to a,

Clear-cut conclusion with a

Expressively confident affectedness.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Stark Differences

    Stark Differences The contrast is illuminating, Why polar opposites attract? May be natural allurement Towards character, loyalt...