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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Optimistic Post

 Perfect Combination

When things in life are clicking on all cylinders it's great. 

It's that rare time and place where all elements are working together in unison. 

These can be, agreements on important issues, swift timing is working almost effortlessly, and people involved are doing their share with ease.

 Instances such as these seem rare and far between. 

All we can do is enjoy and understand that it's time to make the most of this, "Perfect Combination."

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve



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Monday, March 27, 2023

Mindful Post

 It Could Go Either Way

In life there is very rarely a sure thing.

Although it looks overly positive that it's going to be in your favor,

Oftentimes it turns the other way.

Just like the flip of a coin at best, it's a 50/50 proposition.

In the best of case scenarios, put in some faith and hope, plan with the intention of bucking the odds.

Then, be prepared to let the chips fall where they may.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve



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Thursday, March 23, 2023

Parody Post

 Pillow Talk

If they could talk what would they say?

It would be very revealing in a way

Maybe personal to one or more

These things should keep behind the door

The stories may linger, not to point a finger

But, ultimately truth be told it's getting old

We think it's time to wash and fold.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve



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Poetic Post

Going In Circles

When you get up in the morning 

It's a straight line to the laboratory.

Then kitchen and heading to the closet to start the day.

Nothing at all is exploratory mostly customary.

Then comes the boss, bad weather and suddenly 

The line turns into a circle.

The shortest distance from A to Z is...?

What's that, if you find yourself at the mercy of the formidable puzzle.

hope you enjoyed the reading,


Monday, March 20, 2023

Cheerful Post

 Tall Tales (Mr. Husky)

Sitting at a favorite watering hole, suddenly a husky spirit stumbles next to me.

Tall as a tree, arms bigger than tree stumps!

Strength oozing out upon every movement.

Built like a precision machine.

At first being rather abrupt, seemed indifferent.

In time after gushing down a few brimming spirits, Mr. Husky became the origin of many folktales one larger than the other.

Seemingly, with no end to his discourse the once clear minded orator began to slow in words and pitch.

Then in the middle of his tallest tale, with all the descriptives in place, the crowd at the height of attention

Mr. Husky gazed all around the rathskeller,

And said," I'll have another and spirits for all around," then with a wink and

Salute to all...he quietly and with much disappointment from the patrons, laid his head surely dreaming up another fanciful,

Tall tale...

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve



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Thursday, March 16, 2023

Poetic Post

 Anyone's Best Friend

One can always count on your enthusiastic welcoming.

Your dedication is undeniable the affection that is given

Becomes a torrent of devotedness. There's never a day filled

With discontent or of lament, only loyalty and guardianship.

Constantly staying by one's side only affirming the truism most

Forgotten and also taken for granted, that life would be very

Different without you as a best friend.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


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Monday, March 13, 2023

Parody Post

 What's The Angle?

I was always taught to measure precisely, look at the dimensions and be aware of the angles. 

Sometimes what you originally size up changes, due to the arrival of a certain flim-flam attempt. 

Now, at times my calibrating can be suspect but when the angle changes from level to 180 degrees, 

It's time to be very accurate, double check the appraisal and ask, "What's the angle?"

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Copyright©lifesproverbs.blogspot.com All Rights Reserved 2023

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Mindful Post

Running Water

One of the most splendid calming sounds within our choosing is the eloquence of running water.

Rolling over rocks and sediment it invites us to leave our grounds.

Just like the sands of time, running water can take over our minds and thoughts to our current and past hikes through life.

The natural innocence and soothing flow can remind us of our journey and shake the reality of life

With it's beauty and unrelenting flow, can lead us to wonderful stories. 

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve



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Monday, March 6, 2023

Poetic Post

   Pulled From Both Ends

One can only go in a single direction.

If it should not be, it's a sincere indiscretion.

The pulling from both ends leaves little room

For movement the inaction can no longer create any mobility.

So, finding the center then moving away from the other very assuredly,

Means releasing one or the other, introducing the only choice that will-

Bear the resolution. 


                            hope you enjoyed the reading, 



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Thursday, March 2, 2023

Poetic Post

        The Time Will Come

Sometimes we all live in denial.

Brush off today, tomorrow is another day.

What may be lurking behind the passing

Is the matter at hand with a rude arrival.

Heed not the presentation but remember 

The calendar never runs out of days.

Turn the face to the complication then,

Deliver the remedy without delay.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Comments are welcomed on social media



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No content on this site may be copied or reused in any form or capacity without expressed written consent.

Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...