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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Wholesome Post

 Like Child's Play

Wish we could be like kids able to play all day

The friendships and companionship's are real fun 

And go a long way.

Never a more innocent and natural interaction 

Between kinship's can be examined.

As our years advance, if we could only embody 

Those childhood characteristics...

It would be for our greater good.

The smiles and camaraderie are most striking

Even if not all, is to their liking.

It would be worth a whimsical wish to possess 

That childhood code, even if for only one day.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, May 29, 2023

Parody Post: Chattery

Chattery, Chatter Me

Give me some chatter oh...

Dear Chattery.

It seems you know the trivia

Of every single dilemma.

If you were to come under inquiry

The outcome may be very iffy.

So, anyone who investigates 

May very well determine

Chattery, is the essence of chatter.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Cheerful Post

 The Big Screen

If there's something you need to watch

Turn to the Big Screen.

Sometimes getting it together can make

You scream.

Gadgets to find, buttons to push.

There is no easy way.

Guides, Menu's, App's and pick a number.

We all know the drill, all I want now

Is to lay down and slumber.

At last things are in order after

Being put through the mill.

Sitting comfortably calm as can be

Suddenly, power goes out

Nothing to see.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, May 22, 2023

 Reflection of Deception

A look in the mirror can tell the story

Only the figure standing there knows 

The hidden identity.

Open the door cast that shadow

What's really inside?

Cover the outside with color and wit,

Only the wise will be able to see fit.

No matter how tall or short the intriguing shroud,

There's no escape for the covert reality,

Living inside.

hope you enjoyed the reading, 


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Intriguing Post: Walls

 If The Walls Had Ears

If the walls had ears

It might bring some to tears.

Very personal stories of struggle.

Might make happy turn to rubble.

If the walls could offer guidance

The ears will hear the voice saying

Although you may stumble

Pick yourself up its just your

Humble heart examining a stirring soul. 

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Saturday, May 13, 2023

Cheerful Post

 What's the Hurry

Everyone moving around in a scurry

Makes you wonder what's the hurry?

Moving all around at times upside down!

What's the meaning of this behavior

One can get lost almost needing a savior.

The deeds will be done sooner or later.

Why put ourselves through this crazy pace

When after all, it's not a race!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, May 11, 2023

Inspirational Post

 Plant The Seeds

Plant some seeds watch them grow.

Oftentimes it seems so...slow.

They say patience is a virtue.

That adage is hard to see through.

But when the time comes to reveal

The growth is really a dual surprise.

The beauty blossoming from the ground

As well as from within.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Monday, May 8, 2023

Cheerful Post

 All Bottled Up

Buying the favorite drink with caps.

No, it's not the kind with snaps.

All the contents that are within

Get shaken up wondering where it's been.

Once it was created the purpose was certain

Now that the volume has a new insistence

Time to lift the cap, escaping more resistance.

Twist, twist, twist away better run-

Do not stay!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Optimistic Post: Cloud

Not a Cloud in The Sky

Ever have a day where the weather

Dictated the events at play?

Spirit and happiness was at a high

Very abundant and feeling never ending.

Mother Nature in control making sure 

Her beauty is filling the very soul.

Looking up and gathering the aura

The blue is in command-

Not a cloud in the sky.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, May 1, 2023

Parody Post

 Travel Light

Every time we plan to travel it's time to travel light.

As this thought comes to mind, a ray of light becomes 


The bag gets packed everything's intact.

The light is driving the introspection

Always deciding in what direction.

Following the luminous lead to travel

We don't have any time to hassle.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...