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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Cheerful Post

Crab Grab

Very heartwarming to watch

As the Crab's are consumed.

Even as they scrape

While trying to escape

The Grab is gentle and tactful.

Tasteful folks enjoying the catch.

There seems to be no match.

Cheerful happy faces

Displaying close moments together.

Reaching here, grabbing there.

Savoring each moment of

Tasteful thrill.

Most important through one's eye is;

The adventure of living it...

As One.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, June 26, 2023

Tenderness Post

Follow The Heart

Pursue the heart with complete devotion.

The trueness of the feelings will not deceive.

Although at times it may disappoint

The emotions will always rekindle... 

The path to happiness.

So, when the heart is heavy

And carrying deep grief

Have faith the love that fills that chamber

Will place the heart once again

Endearingly, onto its path.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, June 22, 2023

Optimistic Post

 Fastidious Fredy

Fastidious Fredy is always ready

You could also say, very steady.

At times somewhat difficult

And often times arbitrary.

But one can certainly describe

Fredy, as kindly;

In an abstract fashion.

But always present

In times of need...

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, June 19, 2023

Cheerful Post

 Sweet Thing

Take one bite treat your palate.

The Mango fruit, they can't go without it.

The sweetness pouring over all the senses.

Caution, there is no ending to the refreshing

Sensation so don't even try; it will be fruitless.

Isla Del Canto, offers so much beauty

Could stay on forever, it seems my duty.

As the fruit quips, "Enjoy at your Pleasure."

Having one more...just for good measure.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Mindful Post

 Are You Sure

Being sure you make conversations

Fully confident in all its implications.

Then the doubters and show boaters 

Put on the twist.

An angle here and objection there

A different direction all together.

Once this is in play it's hard to put it at bay.

Suddenly doubt creeps into your psyche

 What to do?

Looking for a lifeline thrown

Nobody wants to be that known.

Reaching from within for a remark

At this time, I remain in the dark.

hope you enjoyed the reading,

M. Steven

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Mindful Post

 Don't Mind If I Do

Sometimes one gets asked a question 

Over and over again

To accept an unsolicited gift.

The kind of query that makes

You wonder why so insistent?

Could it be a kind gesture

Or a guise to a prank...

After a few go rounds

Of good nature

The verdict without question

Is sincerity!

So be it, as it is

The question presented one last time

One answers clear and without hesitation

 "Don't Mind If I Do"!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, June 12, 2023

Heartbreak Post

 It's Not About You

It's all anyone can do, when it's not about you.

The truth be told, it has gotten old.

Memories abound of good and bad.

Both parties involved no longer in bliss.

One or the other is heading towards tomorrow

Leaving the hurt squarely on you 

Not knowing what to do.

The sequence of self-doubt, regret and low image 

Takes it's course.

Ultimately, as time wears on 

Through the memories and good times

What is seared most prominently in the mind,

Is the sound of the final send off, 

"It's not about you."

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, June 8, 2023

Wholesome Post

 The Secret Ball

It's the biggest secret of all.

Only if the ball could see

The images would be one of Glee.

Two people enjoying each other

With the ball that holds the secret.

Not a monumental incredible gadget

But, the coupling of young and old

That leaves behind an alliance

Which is the memories to be told.

Inspired by, Aria Vega.

                                    hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Cheerful Post:Kiss

 The First Kiss

The first kiss is such bliss

It is such a moving moment 

All one can say...it was breathtaking.

The mind and heart will hold that jubilation

Always, and will be newly sensed

By virtue of a reminiscent calling

Deep within the heart.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...