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Monday, July 31, 2023

Parody Post

 Early Bird

Gets the worm.

Dare say it's your turn.

Even though it may be late

Can't I appear at another date?

Early, comes once again

Will they not let me in...

All's fair in time of day

Who's to say

Yay or Nay?

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Mindful Post(LOP)

 Rise to the Occasion

Why stay still

When its within your will

Needing to take a stand

You are in command.

Making up the mind

Being so inclined

The deed is all ahead

Remember, to be kind!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Monday, July 24, 2023

Wholesome Post

 Traveled Together

The travels are many.

Memories stay stamped

As destiny dictates

Pathways to the story.

Time spent as one

Creates bonds and affections

Delivering love unconditional.

Reliving stories in later years

Strikes the necessity to

Continue the travels and

Perpetuate the enlightenment

Of Family...

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Cheerful Post

 Zig and Zag

It can seem comical

When the Zig

Complicates the Zag.

Not intentional but part 

Of the play.

Maybe a bit of a drag

That seems more than

Just a typical lollygag.

One is determined to

Own the brag.

The other will have to

Wave...the White Flag!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Monday, July 17, 2023

Tenderness Post

 By Design

It's so blatant very undeniable

There's no need to be verifiable.

Two souls living as one

Is there anything else to be done?

Naturally the seasons take its course.

Leading up to the final discourse.

Being so real and dual dependent

Gives up the aura, life everlasting.

Going down the road

Heads held up high

Everything looking genuine

Reaching towards the Sky.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Wholesome Post

Put on a Smile

It's actually really easy to do 

Enter into your mind

Not, to be Blue.

Thinking of something happy

It'll turn things around Fast

And Snappy.

Broaden the cheeks

Showing the grin

That will hit all peaks.

Swiftly, feeling that smiling

Is a very good thing.

After all...it doesn't sting!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Monday, July 10, 2023

Music Post

Ode to The Stones 

They keep moving to their beat.

Over 60 years from studio

To the street.

Mastering their sound to perfection

It was definitely instant satisfaction.

Love them or not their legacy stands tall.

Rolling with the times and within the band.

One thing for sure, going in any direction

Work hard stay true to yourself...

And never waver, because truth-

Is better than fiction.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Cheerful Post

 Didn't Sleep a Wink

 I was told to count sheep

 After not sleeping a wink.

 Tossing and turning

 The mind very much churning.

 Wondering what to do

 Hoping it's not a ritual.

 Looking in the mirror

 Coming upon the antidote.

 It's so obvious; skip...counting the Sheep!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...