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Monday, January 1, 2024

Mindful Post: Your time

 It's Your Time

As we travel down the road of life, whether it's at work

Or in the personal arena, there comes a time 

When all the signs around you are pointing to, "It's your time."  

Of course, you have to act on it.  

Chances are we've watched close friends, associates at work 

Rise above and reach some kind of milestone in their life.  

Just as they rise, while working hard and achieving merit 

Opportunity will knock on your door.

So be ready and have faith in yourself that you're deserving 

Of the good fortune then rise to the calling 

With both fearlessness and conviction leading the way. 

hope you enjoyed the reading


Monday, December 25, 2023

Feature Post

 Stop The Cycle

We all know and understand bad habits can get a hold of us.  

At first it seems to become routine, not in a damaging way.  

As time goes on even the most innocent of bad habits 

Can lead to obsessions and bad decisions, 

That may become a life set back or at least a flaw in character.  

Ultimately, we need to be strong seek help and good advice 

Having a fundamental belief in the determination 

And faith that you possess. 

This will ultimately discharge the faulty penchant(s) 

Such as, gambling, cigarettes and drinking alcohol 

All of which are achievable.

Time and again we are challenged to deliver 

Performance in the workplace.

Carrying the burdens and stressors at home 

Or personal decisions that need deep thought.  

The answer can be as uncomplicated as finding a quiet place 

Where peace overcomes you with the ability 

To see thing's clearly.  

The key is finding that personal mindful happy place

That fills you with insightful sentiments and joy. 

hope you enjoyed the reading,


Monday, December 18, 2023

Wisdom Post

What's The Point?

When we are asked to be involved in matters,

It's understandable to have a question, or two.

No one wants to wander about behaving 

As AI.

If our involvement is integral to the outcome 

Participants  beware.

Choosing not to be all-in, on a personal level can contain a quandary.

Keeping in mind the reflection it will cast upon you.

An all-in participant has a just burden to question the whole...

What's the point?

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, December 11, 2023

Inspirational Post

 Take One for the Team

We all hear either at work or on the field,

It's teamwork that counts.

Although individuals make up the squad,

The group effort is paramount.

There comes a time when for whatever reason,

You're asked to sacrifice for the cause.

The edict is on you to step up and forego. 

It's a moment where you'll certainly show.

There is honor in unabashedly,

Taking one for the team.

hope you enjoyed the reading, 


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Parody Post

 Not So Fast

Don't worry it will not last.

The speed of light

Could lead us to some other


Steady going can get you there

Avoiding a big nightmare.

Just as speed is inviting

A steady stream avoids

Nail- biting.

The road well taken

It is a preferred selection.

Not all of gold is speed.

Thinking responsibly is the best


Might, also save you from

Considerable remorse. 

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, November 27, 2023

Mindful Post

 It's Not The Same

Things can be equal or unequal.

The position presented doesn't stand alone.

If there is a point of view one way

It can be considered seriously in another direction.

Is it the mindful view versus the emphatic voice?

When reasoning becomes a component

The middle ground has surfaced.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Optimistic Post

 First Things First  

We all need and thrive on order in our lives. 

It takes lots of thought and presence of mind 

To stay on the correct track.  

It seems we're tested every day 

In effect we are.

The old adage of prioritize, comes into play.  

This all comes down to how we 

Perceive the "To Do," list.  

Depending on the importance of each matter, 

Put them on paper in order of importance.

Then line up your steps with the first things first, approach. 

And your ease of mind will become, "The first thing first!"

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...