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Monday, December 25, 2023

Feature Post

 Stop The Cycle

We all know and understand bad habits can get a hold of us.  

At first it seems to become routine, not in a damaging way.  

As time goes on even the most innocent of bad habits 

Can lead to obsessions and bad decisions, 

That may become a life set back or at least a flaw in character.  

Ultimately, we need to be strong seek help and good advice 

Having a fundamental belief in the determination 

And faith that you possess. 

This will ultimately discharge the faulty penchant(s) 

Such as, gambling, cigarettes and drinking alcohol 

All of which are achievable.

Time and again we are challenged to deliver 

Performance in the workplace.

Carrying the burdens and stressors at home 

Or personal decisions that need deep thought.  

The answer can be as uncomplicated as finding a quiet place 

Where peace overcomes you with the ability 

To see thing's clearly.  

The key is finding that personal mindful happy place

That fills you with insightful sentiments and joy. 

hope you enjoyed the reading,


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