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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Returning Character: "Mum" (needs to be heard)

When she speaks an audience 

Is expected.

Not talking to fill the space

No words to be neglected.

Taking her role very seriously

Everyone in attendance must be

Listening harmoniously.

Messages to relate wisdom to


Mums' lifework does not come down

To a handshake.

This does require a bit of a


Many lessons to articulate.

Some think it's to hypothesize.

Its common scuttlebutt when she talks

There is room for discernment and 


hope you enjoyed the reading,


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Feature Post

 Hidden Soul

Time to wake up

Before you're too old

Better to be open for life's

Essence, so later on

It will deliver

Wonderful thoughts.

Being very guarded seems

To have its merits.

Only to find out you've

Strayed from some loving moments.

Hiding your feelings is no

Road to walk, especially when

Family is always ready to


It's never too late,

Open up the heart

Feel the connections of

Love and Devotion, that

Lifts the recital of...

Life in Harmony.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Optimistic Post

 Leaves Dropping

It's that time of year again.

Reminding us to get in gear.

Facing all the holidays to come

Don't forget to walk, don't run.

Pushing the leaves aside

Helps you start your season

In stride.

Opening up the heart

To give with all its pride.

Thanking and gifting inviting

A New Year, offering hopes

And dreams of happy and

Healthy days and months


It takes us all, we cannot stall

To contribute our part, all in all

It always seems to start in

The Fall...

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, January 8, 2024

Returning Character

 Fastidious Fredy (has come early)

Is always on time.

Buttoned down always in 

The prime.

Ridgid as an unmovable boulder

Never looks behind a shoulder.

If by chance the unrelenting system

Goes off time, Fastidious Fredy 

May very well go into a frenzy.

Laboring to adjust the early 


Many of us will feel the fever.

Steadily on point to adjust the early


Leaving behind a perturbed flock...

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, January 1, 2024

Mindful Post: Your time

 It's Your Time

As we travel down the road of life, whether it's at work

Or in the personal arena, there comes a time 

When all the signs around you are pointing to, "It's your time."  

Of course, you have to act on it.  

Chances are we've watched close friends, associates at work 

Rise above and reach some kind of milestone in their life.  

Just as they rise, while working hard and achieving merit 

Opportunity will knock on your door.

So be ready and have faith in yourself that you're deserving 

Of the good fortune then rise to the calling 

With both fearlessness and conviction leading the way. 

hope you enjoyed the reading


Monday, December 25, 2023

Feature Post

 Stop The Cycle

We all know and understand bad habits can get a hold of us.  

At first it seems to become routine, not in a damaging way.  

As time goes on even the most innocent of bad habits 

Can lead to obsessions and bad decisions, 

That may become a life set back or at least a flaw in character.  

Ultimately, we need to be strong seek help and good advice 

Having a fundamental belief in the determination 

And faith that you possess. 

This will ultimately discharge the faulty penchant(s) 

Such as, gambling, cigarettes and drinking alcohol 

All of which are achievable.

Time and again we are challenged to deliver 

Performance in the workplace.

Carrying the burdens and stressors at home 

Or personal decisions that need deep thought.  

The answer can be as uncomplicated as finding a quiet place 

Where peace overcomes you with the ability 

To see thing's clearly.  

The key is finding that personal mindful happy place

That fills you with insightful sentiments and joy. 

hope you enjoyed the reading,


Monday, December 18, 2023

Wisdom Post

What's The Point?

When we are asked to be involved in matters,

It's understandable to have a question, or two.

No one wants to wander about behaving 

As AI.

If our involvement is integral to the outcome 

Participants  beware.

Choosing not to be all-in, on a personal level can contain a quandary.

Keeping in mind the reflection it will cast upon you.

An all-in participant has a just burden to question the whole...

What's the point?

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


What is the Plan

First review, it's not a scam. Are we going forward or… Leaning backwards towards a jam. Even though it's not on paper May have...