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Monday, December 26, 2022

Fusion Post: The New Year Mindfulness/ Going Forward

 The New Year Mindfulness

The thought of a New Year is both contemplative and rejuvenating.  Yes, we all try and do our best and the year ending is the time where we review our dealings and hopefully we are pleased with the year we put in.  Honesty, realistic assessment almost unfolds as the thought comes to mind.  While the New Year is quickly approaching, family, work and social interactions are the subjects of scrutiny, the only real judge of the matter is us, was it a person positive year? Can we look back and feel content within ourselves?  Hopefully so, another year gone by yet another encouraging year approaching to continue our good and kindly deeds that touches and moves as many people as achievable.

Going Forward

Life is an endless cycle of...day in day out.  It's how we fill those days is what registers on our book of life.  Think positive, fill those pages with sincerity and kindness to propel yourself into the momentum of an engaged, effective and wholesome life.  

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, December 22, 2022

Christmas Post: A Time Of Giving/ Listen To The Music

A Time Of Giving

This time of year is wonderful, it's best served by embracing self reflection and humility it is also the greatest season of giving.  Not to give with thoughtlessness but to reach down into your heart and conscience to offer up to loved ones and friends, the most heartfelt gift you can bestow on them. Thought, caring and sincerity are the elements of delivering a Christmas present that will resound within the spirit of the season.   

Listen To The Music

Not only is the Christmas season about family, friends and giving it's also about Music.  From the classics, "We Wish you a Merry Christmas, Silent Night, and Jingle Bells," the air waves and sound systems happily play these warm classics.  These gems lift the spirit and they transport us back in time where youthful holiday experiences rule.  Take the time to listen, feel and playback the wistful holidays gone by. 

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Sunday, December 18, 2022

Parody Post: Got A Minute?

 Have you ever been in a situation where someone say's to you, "Got a minute?" Now certainly it all depends who, what, where and when and why.   If it'a a work thing it could be good or bad but, it will take much more than a minute for sure, especially if it's your boss.  Usually if you're on good footing a favor or extra effort is commonly the asking.  In your mind the minute probably feels like an hour.  Naturally, this intrusion is at the end of your shift and you need to be somewhere asap!  You can't or won't shut down the encounter with the boss...have to be professional!  As this long saga rolls on you know what the punch line is going to be.  Ultimately you're ok with it, just spell it out...At the end of the minute (which is now 30), there's  a quick  "no problem," exchanged.  Then as you saunter away and wondering  to yourself, the initial question comes to mind, " this REALLY, should have taken only a minute."

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Fusion Post: Noble Examination/ Find The Sun

 Nobel Examination

It happens occasionally, conflict emerges within that engages the heart, soul and mind.  Each want to move in different directions although they are respectful of each other.  We try to manage a middle ground but it's not always the outcome.  Either way it turns, the resolution should contain without exception a mutual understanding and a clear conscience...

Find The Sun

Individuals can move around daily in a mechanical motion.  That experience can be colored black and white.  So, what needs to happen is as soon as possible, go to the nearest sun generator in your life, whether it be a person, place or thing to influence some color and tranquility from within you. 

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Inspirational Post: That's Not A Bad Thing...

 Many times what we perceive as a dilemma in our life can actually be a small gift in disguise.  When we look at the situation for face value, it really may seem at odds with our goals.  In time this circumstance could be completely reversed as time and conditions have a habit of correcting what was deemed  out of line.  Not having your first child on exactly your timetable may prove out to be beneficial, considering all else revolving around your world.  Timing is everything but many times letting situations play out is not a bad thing...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, December 12, 2022

Fusion Post: Face The Truth/ Take The First Step

 Face The Truth

One very valuable life lesson hopefully we learn at a very young age is to always, "Face the truth."  It's so beneficial to grasp early on because it spills over onto so many other aspects of life's journeys.  Sometimes it's hard to accept the truth, it does hurt but the healing effect is always waiting on the other side of acceptance.  

Take The First Step

We all learn to walk by putting one foot in front of the other.  As that motion becomes instinctive it has a place in our world on other levels.  During  heated, controversial disputes, it takes a cool head and character to take that first step toward mutual compromise.  It doesn't come easy but for one's part it's most gratifying to be the one, that takes the first step...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Fusion Post: I Can Do This/It's Me Time

I Can Do This

 Life can be full of challenges often times they come all at once.  If we stop and think about it they come in all sizes with different timetables and necessary responses.  It seems like we're always figuring something out.  Whether it be putting together a piece of furniture, taking on a diy project or learning a musical instrument.  This involves commitment and an open mind to see the challenges through.  One tip for sure, don't start unless you mean it!  On the flip side, if you run up against an obstacle, deal with it do your homework get help if needed and keep moving.  Surely if the commitment is unwavering all you need to do is reach for a little self confidence, look in the mirror and say to yourself, "I can do this," and carry on...

It's Me Time

It's ok to keep in mind that you count also.  We do so much for our family and friends it's not selfish to take some quality time off for yourself.  No guilt, no haunting voice inside your head prodding you on to move away from "me time." Whatever makes you happy do exactly that with or without anyone else if necessary.  It will help fuel the engine for, "people time."

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Stark Differences

    Stark Differences The contrast is illuminating, Why polar opposites attract? May be natural allurement Towards character, loyalt...