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Monday, December 26, 2022

Fusion Post: The New Year Mindfulness/ Going Forward

 The New Year Mindfulness

The thought of a New Year is both contemplative and rejuvenating.  Yes, we all try and do our best and the year ending is the time where we review our dealings and hopefully we are pleased with the year we put in.  Honesty, realistic assessment almost unfolds as the thought comes to mind.  While the New Year is quickly approaching, family, work and social interactions are the subjects of scrutiny, the only real judge of the matter is us, was it a person positive year? Can we look back and feel content within ourselves?  Hopefully so, another year gone by yet another encouraging year approaching to continue our good and kindly deeds that touches and moves as many people as achievable.

Going Forward

Life is an endless cycle of...day in day out.  It's how we fill those days is what registers on our book of life.  Think positive, fill those pages with sincerity and kindness to propel yourself into the momentum of an engaged, effective and wholesome life.  

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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