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Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Rear View Mirror"...(Cardona/Mercado)

Life as we know it is just a flicker of light. In the blink of an eye the rear view is the only view in sight. When first navigating our path the perspective was seen through a windshield anticipating what's to come. Then we crossed over into adulthood and we viewed our travels through window panes with fortitude and resolve. After some time ailments started to take its toll. The eyes see blurry shadows in the mirror, that's all we witness. As years pass, we move forward not with anticipation but with interpretation. No more looking ahead, but glaring back at us is the culmination of past deeds some memorable others fateful. Then, a sudden flicker of light beams us across into another entity, as we enter uncharted territory of awe and uncertainty...

                           I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

                                         Comments welcomed on social media links below.



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