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Monday, February 7, 2022

This or That / Turn left, Turn Right…

This Or That

 Sometimes your days are so filled with things 

you don’t know which to do first. 

Your mind gets so full of “ to do’s,” its exhausting. 

I need to do this, but I have to do that! 

Once in awhile I’ll do more of  this, 

then it seems I get more of that completed.

It’s a shock anything gets checked off the

List, I can tell you this for sure…

if you’re keeping score 

This, almost always equals That!

                                Turn left, Turn Right

Ah, somedays are just like this. Which way to turn? Almost since the moment you rose out of bed you can feel it. Right away comes a challenging decision. If I decide left, no it doesn’t work. If I go right, no not a good choice. All of a sudden you are caught up in the ‘Left, Right’ riddle. The fog sets in and dizziness becomes in charge. Which way is out? It’s easier said then done. Stop turning and go down the middle you’ll see the ‘Light’ that steers you Right! (or Left).

                           I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

                                          Comments welcomed on social media links below.



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