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Thursday, May 5, 2022

All's Well That End's Well...

 We're all programmed for immediate results, quick and decisive answers.  Instant gratification so we can process the information and then on to the next move.  But, unlike fast food, ATM's, and text messaging, waiting and thinking for a while can make a huge difference in a persons life.  Postponing that trip due to low funds and deciding to wait and save more for the trip, is a worth while delay.  Giving a spouse or partner space and time alone when needed, instead of putting forth an ultimatum is very wise call. We need to trust our gut more often, and take a honest and thoughtful look at the circumstances. Checking in with a loved one or confidant is a necessary ingredient, to obtain the best outcome.

                            I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

                                                            Comments welcomed on social media                                                also:lifesproverbs@gmail.com


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