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Sunday, May 8, 2022

In One Ear, Out The Other


There are many instances where this proverb stands out in anyone's mind.  The two glaring instances are,in the work place and at home with our headstrong adolescents. At work, this circumstance becomes evident while training or explaining policy, to a new or long term staff member.  You can see that either they don't get it, or won't get it.  It's more than obvious by  their attitude or non-compliance.  Either way...the in and out adage applies.  The adolescent, almost always is at the, "I know it all", stage in their life.  They of course know better and have their own way of doing things.  As we're trying to teach or correct behavior, chances are it's rough sailing trying to get through. Facial expressions, grunts and groans are the norm.  After painstakingly putting forth your best effort, you remain hopeful but, there's a good chance it went, "In one ear, out the other."

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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