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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Optimistic Post: Slowly But Surely

In our fast paced society it's always..go,go,go and faster if possible! There's a lot to be said about realizing sometimes we have to downshift a lot, to see issues clearly and contemplate the benefits of staying the course at your own pace.  Driving on the highway, no real need to always race and possibly catch the eye of the police.  Move to the middle lane, less stress and time to think and plan.  Academically not necessary to rush that project that is due, stay ahead of the due date work little by little and the good results will be there.   Often times its best to be the Tortoise not the Hare..slow and steady wins the race.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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No content on this site may be copied or reused in any form or capacity without expressed written consent. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Feature Post: Get Out Of The Way

Sometimes in our eagerness to help people in a dilemma, we get so involved that we can become a hindrance to the solution.  We take such a personal interest we can be viewed as an obstacle, rather than contributing to a favorable resolution.  People who care about others have an endless impulse to get involved and help and in some cases injecting a subjective commentary, instead of subjective observation.  In some instances there's a dividing line that should not be crossed, in regards to respect and privacy.  For those reasons alone, one needs to be present in the context of offering help and advice and clearly understand when its time to, get out of the way...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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CopyrightⒸlifesproverbs.blogspot.com All Rights Reserved 2022

No content on this site may be copied or reused in any form or capacity without expressed written consent. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Cheery Post: Music To My Ears

Every so often you wake up feeling,"This is going to be a good day!" As you gather yourself up and feed into that intuition, there's one thing you can add that raises it up a notch, Music.  Its the great mood driver up or down the impact is undeniable.  Already in a groove, put on your favorite song or playlist and it just elevates the psyche even more.  Uplifting for sure, the interpretation and effects are up to the listener.  Most people would agree whether you need a boost or not,  the moment you put on your favorite tunes to get through the day, anyone would admit the answer is, music to my ears...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Copyright Ⓒlifesproverbs.blogspot.com All Rights Reserved 2022

No content on this site may be copied or reused in any form or capacity without expressed written consent. 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Parody Post: Get The Message?

There has been many ways to get a message, in the "old days,"there was a secretary taking the call then passing on the message.  Then there was a family member picking up your call and forgetting to tell you about it.  Along comes the answering machine wow, a great way to screen your calls and dodge any unwanted communication.  Let's not forget when someone at work or play, is trying to tell you something and giving you advice at the same time, they say, "Get the message?"  That's a cloaked way of telling you wink wink, get it?  Now we enjoy the mother of all messaging modes, texting!  The all inclusive screening, copying, saving and answering miracle.  It is as fantastic as it is billed but...if you're not careful it can cause you some major headaches.  If its a happy message, no problem.  If its a testy exchange you are better off calling that person, sometimes texting can get the best or the worst of us.  As a rule its best to be pensive before you message in any medium or deal with the fallout...get the message?

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Inspirational Post: Stop The Fight/What Matters Most

Stop The Fight

The inner fight doesn't make it right.  If you lift the curtain and let the light in...it can be said, all that is maddening will begin to go away.  A fight can be devastating so hold on to your reality.  One needs to realize to stop the fight help is needed.  There are many forms of help spiritual, personal and fate...may have its play as well. But the sooner you open up and recognize the way of a solution, the fight will stop itself.

What Matters Most

Humankind inadvertently gets caught up in the daily grind, that ends up in a ridged routine.  One wonders how to keep the balance on par.  It's easy to tip the scale in the wrong direction and continue that "order," without realizing its harm.  What needs to be restored in a moment of clarity, is to put back in order what matters most, and you'll regain essential harmony in life.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Copyright Ⓒlifesproverbs.blogspot.com All Rights Reserved 2022

No content on this site may be copied or reused in any form or capacity without expressed written consent. 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Wholesome Post: Grandchildren, Our Final Wonder Of A Lifetime

As the pages flip over our life story, included on those pages are many highlights such as, traveling on vacation, milestones at work and within the family unit or, simply joy within life's boundaries.  At some point on the road to retirement, we are treated with one of life's greatest gift's, a grandchild!(grandchildren).  They bring expectations, planning and wishful hopes of health, happiness and success.  It's a gift that continuously unravels, with love, affection and surprises that touches the heart and soul.  Loving gestures such as, an unexpected hug or kiss, a simple phone call of just checking in to make sure all is well.  It is an endowment for grandparents that begins to complete the circle of life.  From the first step taken, to the first word spoken the bond is unwavering with a connection so strong...it's a renewal of life for grandparents who are so fortunate to experience it.  We have many heart felt gifts during our lifetime on earth, the legacy of grandchildren is, Our Final Wonder Of A Lifetime...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, September 8, 2022

Cheery Post: Have A Sense Of Humor

 We can all relate to being a bit more serious at times then necessary.  It comes with the everyday grind of work, family and commitments.  That businesslike demeanor takes over and seems like it has a life of its own.  This is why embracing laughter, seeing the funny side of happenings is just plain  healthy.  There always seems to be that one person(s), who is endlessly happy!  Why?...one reason could be, when "things," happen that's out of our control, its processed exactly with that in mind.  When a joke is on you see the humor in it, be apart of the gag and move on.  Partake, give and receive humorous encounters this will help sooth your emotions and maybe even release some anxiety...that can manifest itself as a big loud ROAR, of laughter.

 I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, September 5, 2022

Fusion Post: It's Complicated/Take A Deep Breath

It's Complicated

 We all know our lives have some up's and down's. When thing's are good...all is well.  Everything has order and makes sense.  Life is good!  There comes a time where situations, people, work and family all ties into a demanding period where circumstances need to be sorted out.  During this juncture, you may hear a comment from someone stating, " It's complicated."  For sure it is but it can't be left alone at that one statement.  Lay out every matter in hand and address every concern, some problems may take longer to fix then others.  As each issue is put right, we'll realize gratefully, it's now...uncomplicated.

Take A Deep Breath

Occasionally it's a sound idea to step outside the box we're in and take a deep breath.  From time to time it's worth the effort and mind set to hit the pause button and take in the aura of the existence we live in.  Taken for granted, the beauty of people, nature and travels, this momentary action can revive a sluggish spirit and remind us of what's really important in our lives.   It can even help set the tone in the course of time for a more insightful presence.  It may all be possible if we think to stop...and take a deep breath.

 I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, September 1, 2022

Feature Post: Penny For Your Thoughts

Penny For Your Thoughts

It's always a joy to stay inside oneself and be pensive and peaceful for a certain amount of time.  It could be for hours, or just a few precious minutes of solitude.  Sometimes momentous thoughts come from these periods, often times it's a very happy feeling to just be you, and alone.   In these situations where family, friends or co-workers are observing your quietness, it stirs up curiosity in people who genuinely care and respect you, as to why you are so contemplative.  Of course, they're simply checking in on you and making sure you are all right, and ready to offer help and advice if needed.  So, it's not  a disruption or intrusion of your privacy, or a meddling person or loved one.  It's simply someone kind enough to ask, "Penny for your thoughts?"

 I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...