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Monday, September 5, 2022

Fusion Post: It's Complicated/Take A Deep Breath

It's Complicated

 We all know our lives have some up's and down's. When thing's are good...all is well.  Everything has order and makes sense.  Life is good!  There comes a time where situations, people, work and family all ties into a demanding period where circumstances need to be sorted out.  During this juncture, you may hear a comment from someone stating, " It's complicated."  For sure it is but it can't be left alone at that one statement.  Lay out every matter in hand and address every concern, some problems may take longer to fix then others.  As each issue is put right, we'll realize gratefully, it's now...uncomplicated.

Take A Deep Breath

Occasionally it's a sound idea to step outside the box we're in and take a deep breath.  From time to time it's worth the effort and mind set to hit the pause button and take in the aura of the existence we live in.  Taken for granted, the beauty of people, nature and travels, this momentary action can revive a sluggish spirit and remind us of what's really important in our lives.   It can even help set the tone in the course of time for a more insightful presence.  It may all be possible if we think to stop...and take a deep breath.

 I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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