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Monday, November 28, 2022

Cheerful Post: The Change Of Seasons

There is a whole list of life's beauty that we take for granted.  Nature with all its artistry surrounds us with stories of natures cycles and changes.  A rebirth with colors that can astound any nature lover and photographer.  In spring time, rebirth and rekindle can be the theme.  Trees, plants coming back to life after a harsh winter.  The fall colors are second to none and reminds us of the good and bad that we live with as we watch the leaves fall to the ground in a graceful rhythm, that can be mystifying to gaze at.  The winter touches us with a home bound mindset meaning, stay close to family and friends.  Summer is all about fun, getting outside enjoying all of the Suns gifts and taking a much needed time out, with family and friends.  This season allows us to let our hair down, be spontaneous and to participate in life with the backdrop of, blue skies and the sun rising high.  So, when you need a break from the race all it takes to fill up that much needed spiritual mindset, and do not standstill and simply participate in the cycle of seasons...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Friday, November 25, 2022

Fusion Post:Self Awareness/ Morning Pledge


Many times, we get caught up with our circumstances and are blind to what is happening right in front of us.  There is a time for self-examination, and a time to release the urge for self-absorption, and interact and relate to the world around us.  If you don't you will live an existence of one dimension with no depth of substance and compassion.

Morning Pledge

As we begin our day of "purpose,' keep in mind the awareness of the needy.  Be quick to offer comfort and support whether it be moral, spiritual or enlightenment...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, November 21, 2022

Wholesome Post: Feeding The Spirit/Pass It On

Feeding The Spirit

 What goes in always comes out, the results are always up to us.  As we protect the physical abilities, always remember to eat well.  Supply the body with clean, healthy natural foods that not only gives our body nourishment, but also feeds the spirit, that drives our daily deeds to be the best we can be...

Inspiring People: Pass It On

Small gifts can give a big meaning at the right time.  When you are feeling particularly caring and thoughtful and are given the opportunity to dispense some insight to a person in the moment, "do it."  You will see the action of faith, trust or confidence you pass on, will touch the heart and soul of the beneficiary instantly, that leads to a swift sense of serenity...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve       

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#lifes experiences

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Fusion Post: A Blind Eye/ Never Run

A Blind Eye

 We are born with 20/20 vision, seeing  all that is around us clearly and with  extraordinary color.  As the years add up the eyesight changes in many ways.  No time, no words, and little offering of any acknowledgement to our fellow humanity.  The concept should be, always keep the vision broad, never turn your back or a blind eye to a struggling individual who might be experiencing a debilitating reality.  

Never Run

When you run from yourself and pressing concerns, the hill turns into a mountain, the pile turns into a stack.  You will quickly realize the inner world and sanctuary you need becomes a spinning wheel with no end in sight.  Once your wheel is in motion it's hard to stop.  But, it can be done.  The run is up to you, take a moment to pause look in the mirror, seek out advice and support from trusted  and close people.   Act on it, then you'll realize you are able to "walk," not "run."

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, November 14, 2022

Mindful Post: Look Before You Leap

We all need some good advice from time to time, wise people always say. For example, these very common truisms surely sound familiar, don't judge a book by its cover, keep your eye on the prize, and this little classic two heads are better than one!  All three have some fundamental insight that makes one pause and think.  Another all time adage is," Look before you leap."  This sage forewarning can be applied into many pathways of life.  In relationships before popping the big question, scrutinize every angle of starting a union together.  Is there sincere love and respect that's necessary for a solid foundation in matrimony?  It's a life changing commitment that requires great thought. In the case of investing, doing the homework is key and being able to live with the risk is unavoidable.  In both cases the key word here is "leap," sometimes an alarming action to take, there are instances where due to the nature of the decision you must take immediate action and hopefully it will all work out. Experience tells us the way to go is, take the intuitive course, examine wholeheartedly each action and result, believe in what you are about to do seek out trusted counsel then, inhale deeply, exhale freely look both ways and...take the leap!

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, November 10, 2022

What, Are You Waiting For?

Often times we are over cautious in making decisions or taking action on a important life issue. Recognizing that you need to make that call to the doctor when you'e not feeling well, but...you put it off.  Sooner than later, that ill feeling comes back again.  Once again, there is hesitation!  It's obvious why wait?  That  is a typical busy human reaction, other concerns take priority.  The same can be said for interpersonal relationships.  When it comes time for that difficult conversation about honesty or commitment well... the next opportunity it will be approached.  As time passes by it becomes a make it or break it showdown.  In both cases, the drama could have been mitigated.  Some times we hesitate and it somehow works out, but when action is calling you loud and clear, the thought process should be, "What am I waiting for?"

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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#lifes experiences

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Sunday, November 6, 2022

Fusion Post: Consider Others/A Waste Of Time

Consider Others

We all live in our individual realities.  It can easily influence us to be less caring and blind to the burdens of people we come into contact with.  In those encounters and moments, we have the opportunity to step into their existence and provide immediate comfort through words and or deeds.  This act of caring, as simple as it may seem, can lift an individual's spirits and hopes, and spark a sense of courage to deal with difficult times.  Those of us that are fortunate enough to be less conflicted in life, think about making a genuine effort to consider others...

A Waste of Time

Sometimes we do things out of force of habit.  Other times we do some things because you feel in control.  As our efforts continue and the same bad result shows up, it's time to consider giving it up.  People are given a predetermined amount of time on this earth.  We shouldn't squander the effort we put forth in life, on recurring defeated outcomes.  Go with the positive intentions, touch as many hearts as you can and cherish, time...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Friday, November 4, 2022

Mindful Post: The Double Road

Every so often we find ourselves facing two paths, or a double road from which we are to choose from.  In the most elementary form, it's a good vs bad judgement call that can have bleak consequences, or a good choice with a gratifying end result.  Choosing not to go into that rowdy bar while underage is a very smart choice.  Taking a gamble on a house you can't afford, leads to a major life complication, for sure.  It seems in many cases a good vs. bad choice is obvious which way to go.  Sometimes obvious, loses out to spontaneity, always a risky proposition.  So, when the double road presents itself, have some trust, the good road invariably wins over the bad road.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve       

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#lifes experiences

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Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...