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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Fusion Post: A Blind Eye/ Never Run

A Blind Eye

 We are born with 20/20 vision, seeing  all that is around us clearly and with  extraordinary color.  As the years add up the eyesight changes in many ways.  No time, no words, and little offering of any acknowledgement to our fellow humanity.  The concept should be, always keep the vision broad, never turn your back or a blind eye to a struggling individual who might be experiencing a debilitating reality.  

Never Run

When you run from yourself and pressing concerns, the hill turns into a mountain, the pile turns into a stack.  You will quickly realize the inner world and sanctuary you need becomes a spinning wheel with no end in sight.  Once your wheel is in motion it's hard to stop.  But, it can be done.  The run is up to you, take a moment to pause look in the mirror, seek out advice and support from trusted  and close people.   Act on it, then you'll realize you are able to "walk," not "run."

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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