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Monday, December 25, 2023

Feature Post

 Stop The Cycle

We all know and understand bad habits can get a hold of us.  

At first it seems to become routine, not in a damaging way.  

As time goes on even the most innocent of bad habits 

Can lead to obsessions and bad decisions, 

That may become a life set back or at least a flaw in character.  

Ultimately, we need to be strong seek help and good advice 

Having a fundamental belief in the determination 

And faith that you possess. 

This will ultimately discharge the faulty penchant(s) 

Such as, gambling, cigarettes and drinking alcohol 

All of which are achievable.

Time and again we are challenged to deliver 

Performance in the workplace.

Carrying the burdens and stressors at home 

Or personal decisions that need deep thought.  

The answer can be as uncomplicated as finding a quiet place 

Where peace overcomes you with the ability 

To see thing's clearly.  

The key is finding that personal mindful happy place

That fills you with insightful sentiments and joy. 

hope you enjoyed the reading,


Monday, December 18, 2023

Wisdom Post

What's The Point?

When we are asked to be involved in matters,

It's understandable to have a question, or two.

No one wants to wander about behaving 

As AI.

If our involvement is integral to the outcome 

Participants  beware.

Choosing not to be all-in, on a personal level can contain a quandary.

Keeping in mind the reflection it will cast upon you.

An all-in participant has a just burden to question the whole...

What's the point?

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, December 11, 2023

Inspirational Post

 Take One for the Team

We all hear either at work or on the field,

It's teamwork that counts.

Although individuals make up the squad,

The group effort is paramount.

There comes a time when for whatever reason,

You're asked to sacrifice for the cause.

The edict is on you to step up and forego. 

It's a moment where you'll certainly show.

There is honor in unabashedly,

Taking one for the team.

hope you enjoyed the reading, 


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Parody Post

 Not So Fast

Don't worry it will not last.

The speed of light

Could lead us to some other


Steady going can get you there

Avoiding a big nightmare.

Just as speed is inviting

A steady stream avoids

Nail- biting.

The road well taken

It is a preferred selection.

Not all of gold is speed.

Thinking responsibly is the best


Might, also save you from

Considerable remorse. 

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, November 27, 2023

Mindful Post

 It's Not The Same

Things can be equal or unequal.

The position presented doesn't stand alone.

If there is a point of view one way

It can be considered seriously in another direction.

Is it the mindful view versus the emphatic voice?

When reasoning becomes a component

The middle ground has surfaced.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Optimistic Post

 First Things First  

We all need and thrive on order in our lives. 

It takes lots of thought and presence of mind 

To stay on the correct track.  

It seems we're tested every day 

In effect we are.

The old adage of prioritize, comes into play.  

This all comes down to how we 

Perceive the "To Do," list.  

Depending on the importance of each matter, 

Put them on paper in order of importance.

Then line up your steps with the first things first, approach. 

And your ease of mind will become, "The first thing first!"

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Optimistic Post

 Good As New

If you ask quite a few

They'll say it's up to you.

Even with the advancing age

Spirit and energy can win,

Over the hourglass gauge.

Life's essence can be long or short.

Each and every storyboard will engage

Many reviews.

Depending on the contents fusing inside,

Life's happy road can be front page.

A mindset that no matter the advancing clock,

The Golden Years, can attain a mantra

Glowing with the sentiments of,

I'm good as new!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Intriguing Post

 The Morning Dew

Is it not you?

Wet to the eyes

Cool to the touch.

Mostly a disguise.

Proving out to be pretty much,

Someone who can double-clutch.

Often times misunderstood but,

Most times directly to the mark.

Not without a spark

Yet, like the cool of the dew,

It is truly you.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Mindful Post

 By The Way

It's more than I can say.

What's being said is making me 


Can't put it off another day,

The word being put out there is more than chatter.

This must be corrected too much connected. 

These days truth can be muddled,

No sense in being befuddled.

It only takes one, to take a stand

Bring it to the source to hear it...


hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, November 6, 2023

Mindful Post

 Anything Goes

It definitely seems so 

No matter what the doings,

At hand, there are no boundaries.

Speaking, dressing, driving and even

Conniving, makes one think about 


The walls that were once standing tall

Are now considered


So many colors, many genders leads us

All to consider enjoying, as one…

Life’s splendors.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

M. Steven

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Cheerful Post

 Dapper Dresser

Not so bad to look

And have some measure.

Certainly not stuffy

Looking like a professor.

More like a cool snappy

And sharp, stylish 


People may copy, but don't be

Snobby, one day you might require

To indulge in their…


hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, October 30, 2023

Optimistic Post

 Bread and Butter

Go together so naturally

They satisfy the intention

To enjoy the connection.

Like Nachos on Gameday,

Spaghetti and Meatballs at dinner...

Bread and Butter tames

The palate and adds a smile.

Pick your choices

Adhering to each other

You just might find, you'll ask for...


hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Friday, October 27, 2023

Optimistic Post

Never Too Late

To get up to date.

Often times we're so busy

We fall back into postdate.

Following our timelines don't

Necessarily define.

As the clock ticks, we can suddenly

Become present and swiftly,

Subtly, regain perspective.

Whether it's time to give

Or time to sacrifice,

That tick-tock can work in

Our favor, a glance at the looking glass

Can reflect wholeness and fortitude

That will always negate...

The Tardy!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, October 23, 2023

Returning Character Post

 Mr. Husky (can't lift)

Although not always but sometimes, 

Can be stiff.

As burly as he is, his strength

Can dismiss.

Always following his strengthening 


At times curiously he cannot


Eating his healthy diet and

Exercising to a tee, not having

Vigor equals somewhat of a myth.

Taking a deep breath on a hefty

Assignment, gathering up all of his prowess,

Suddenly, he finds his brawn has dissipated.

Unable, to power through this mighty task,

In his mind, he decides even for him...

Today he'll have to find another way!,

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Parody Post

Out and About

It's really good being unfastened.

Could it be the way it was

Meant to be?

Heading here, traveling there.

No one to answer to, it is

Freedom at its best.

Great to be the turtle

Not the hare.

Enjoying every adventure

Without a worry of indenture.

Put's a big smile on the face

While going everyplace.

Wouldn't it be grand, if we could

Take a stand and live this way

On our own terms...


hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Sunday, October 15, 2023

Parody Post

 One Step Behind

One tries to put one foot forward.

Never thinking the stride could end up


The plan must be to move ahead.

Not letting your feet slide.

Getting back on track might seem fruitless,

But clearly by the end, your feet may glide.

It also means not stepping aside.

The determination that is discovered

Will most certainly help your stride.

Leaving a footprint filled with pride.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Cheerful Post

 Oh, Really…

This information is taken 

Very dearly.

It does seem very unusual

But maybe the subject can be

Very useful.

The intent is to inform

Definitely beyond the norm.

This requires some study

Making one very nutty.

Touching all the bases

Needing to fill the empty spaces.

Conclusively, discerning the directive

That chatter is completely rejective. 

hope you enjoyed the reading,

M. Steven

Monday, October 9, 2023

Cheerful Post

A life Full of Reels

As we look back on the long

Racetrack, there are flashing 

Clips like old fashioned newsreels.

Glimmers of mostly good times

Replaying visual moments so

Surreal, brings you back


Almost like witnessing your 

Greatest hits of life.

Much obliged, the mind can deliver such a

Reproduction reliving times...

That can seem, just like yesterday.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, October 5, 2023

Inspirational Post

In My Mind

Frequently sublime, so glad it's mine.

Occurrences can direct many scrupulous 

Events to drive the peace towards


But in my mind, age has it's 


Life's Lessons, if one partakes

Can make the difference between

Constant negativity or

Prevailing positivity.

As aging takes on wisdom

One has a very clear choice.

Absorb the experiences and wisdom,

To escort you towards the happiest and

Most deserving, serene Sundown imaginable.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Cheerful Post

 Different Sizes and Shapes

In many various disguises,

All with a sense of self

That transcends openly

Into society.

Admirable to see no barriers.

No signs of dislike or disdain.

Cycling, walking and dancing

Together, almost as one.

Enlivens a unity of uniqueness.

The smooth and easiness for

Which all coexist is wanting...

In a way that spreads everywhere.

Contagious as these moments command

Leads to a place and time that

Is marked with possible

Chain reactions, as standard-bearers

Witness the beauty and outcomes

Of a harmonious and engaging society.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Tenderness Post

Carefree Moments

Unbothered by the immediate environs

Creates wonderful limitless time capsules 

That reveal earthly connections that are

Extremely original and precious.

Collaborations during these events

Are awe-inspiring.

Interactions between people and the

`elan vital, 

Are as individual as humanly conceivable.

Barriers of race, creed, authority seem

To vanish, as if never a component.

Passing through juncture after juncture

With peace of mind.

It's a momentary gift of remoteness

So perfect,

It may never duplicate itself

In any other disguise.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Returning Characters

 Zig and Zag (go straight)

The way they travel can make 

One mad.

They even confuse themselves.

One day, working on a big payday

It's decided to go another way.

Contrary to their norm the plan,

Is to alter directions for the good...

Of the pay.

Time is of the essence, go directly

Is agreed.

As usual Zig goes one way, Zag wants

The opposite.

Z turns to Z and befuddlement takes over.

Zig wants left, right turns

Zag wants right, left.

It seems a directional agreement is 

Not at hand.

What to do?

On their way to make this pay,

It turns out, left and right go 

Hand in hand with...right and left!

Then, by the way of road detours,

They discover this time and

Maybe this time only, as fate 

Would have it, rather then 

Zigging and Zagging...

With all the plotting and planning...

What's better than chatting and lagging

Is going straighter with less panting.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, September 18, 2023

Parody Post

 Wrong Direction

Ever head that way, then all of a sudden

You realize, on the wrong passageway!

The once certain directional is now


Thinking who needs GPS?

Obviously, the answer is a resounding YES!

Have some faith in today's Tech

To avoid the embarrassment of

Landing out of check.

It just takes a little study

Have some faith 

It'll keep you


Tech is here to stay

Wouldn't have it

Any other way.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, September 14, 2023

Optimistic Post

 Feeling Lucky

What to do with it.

One can play with the odds.

Or just mire in the emotion.

The feeling is just that, a feeling!

Is it intrinsic or a ghostly:


Can it be mimicking a truly lifted


Or a camouflage to a farce.

Some of us take it as a sign to

Act on and gain by.

Others look up with a smile

And power through...


Making a distinction along the way.

First thought is share the vibe

Put positivity in the air.

When the sensation strikes

It has its own agenda,

Join on in, don't dismiss the inspiration.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Parody Post

 Mum's The Word

The concept seems a bit


Needing to say something but

Mum's the word.

Who has the audacity to

Prescribe such a request?

It just may prevent being 

At best.

Speaking your mind is a

Respected discourse.

Certainly not to be taken in jest.

The only one who can give

Such advice, of the word...

Is "Mum." 

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, September 7, 2023

Mindful Post

 Hold That Thought

Don't get caught letting it out

Sometimes it's good to leave some


Good to be pensive not spilling the


Holding on so tight

Not revealing the dreams.

A sound discussion need not

Divulge, all it's contents

Save to behold.

Wise to withhold leave it in

The weeds.

There is effectual merit in

Protecting the seeds.

All in all, silence has its choice

Who's to say, it can't wait

Another day...

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Returning Character: Fastidious Fredy

 Fastidious Fredy (is needy)

Fastidious Fredy one who is always heady 

Is in need of a person's generosity.

Not in a monetary sense

But in a collaborative faculty.

Seems, Fastidious Fredy is facing a

A conundrum of sorts.

Possibly his biggest puzzlement

To date!

His exacting element seems at

Odds with his choosy side.

Can't make a decision on

This house or that house.

Unusual for Fredy, normally selective!

Leaning on some help makes FF,

Want to Yelp!

Finally, coming to his senses

(with a little help)

Even someone of the elevation as

Fastidious Fredy, in due course, from time to time-

May need to accept...

A word to the wise.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Saturday, September 2, 2023

Feature Post

 We The People

Everything we have is speakable.

All we ask is security from treachery

And adherence to our gifted construction.

The needy and innocent be attended.

All armed forces be revered and esteemed.

The very basics of an equally free life...

For all,

Be guarded endlessly!

Honest participation in governing be

Respected and Validated.

Valor and Perpetuation of

The United States of America:

Be foremost in the Consciousness,

Hearts and Souls of American Leadership.

God bless, 

The United States of America. 

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, August 28, 2023

Heartache Post

Changed Overnight

Sometimes changes come slowly.

Other times they come and go swiftly.

It's much more than perspective alone.

The most meaningful and impactful

Happen in an instant.

The rearrangement starts with clouds 

Then ends with exactness.

Whether heart strong or journey altering.

Acknowledgment and Acceptance 

Go hand in hand with revival.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Feature Post

 Think Of The Bright Side

For sure today's world can be scary.

Considering the media coverage 

All can seem very gloomy.

 A saving grace is, the Good in life

Clearly outweighs the bad.

There exists endless stories of very 

good-hearted people in our society.

 Also, in our  country and the world

Doing amazing humanitarian deeds.

Family is strength, especially grandchildren

Who will inherit our legacy. 

Advances in medicine, medical procedures 

Are seeing heroes on a daily basis. 

Politics aside, the eyes of consciousness 

About life, is swinging upward.

All it takes is a deep look around.

Allow yourself to take a moment and...

"Think of the Bright Side."

            hope you enjoyed the reading, 

                             M. Steven

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Cheerful Post

 Dress Code

Keeping me longer in the abode.

Looking in the mirror staring

Changing, endlessly.

Still indecisive!

The event is come as you are.

Not sure if this medley

Is a style displaying bona fide dreadly.

Heading back to the wardrobe

To re-envision a new attire.

Something that will not evoke

Anyone's ire.

Reassembling the ensemble

Hopeful, it will not backfire.

Entering the festivities:

The only mystique everybody can see…

Is Me.

hope you enjoyed the reading,


Monday, August 14, 2023

Parody Post

 Quick, Fast in a Hurry

 Always in a scurry

It would make one worry.

Time to slow down

Even at the toll of a frown.

The tempo might change

Halt, it leads to free range.

Dashing as a velocity equals

Mach 2 Speed, rolling right along

Stopping on a dime...

What is the time? 

hope you enjoyed the reading,


Thursday, August 10, 2023

Mindful Post

  A Covenant in Life

There should be no strife.

Going about our days

With only Sun Rays.

Even though tough ones arrive

No need to go into a dive.

Steer the ship back

As the way to revive.

The only way to get moving on track

Is having an open mind towards the other

Without having to conform and move over…

hope you enjoyed the reading,

M. Steven

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Optimistic Post

 That, Could Be True

But what would you do?

Own up to the reality 

Or divide in two.

The truth is dominant

In all its complexities.

Exposure is compelling with no


Being forthright is fundamentally

Extremely demanding.

Leaving one with the feeling

Of sage, self-understanding.

hope you enjoyed the reading, 


Thursday, August 3, 2023

Heartfelt Post

 Between You and Me

I trust you and you trust me.

Make no mistake it includes all

That eyes can see.

It goes both ways encompassing

All the days.

No matter what the case 

We show our best face.

Never in doubt, there is never a bout.

Heartfelt to know the conviction

Is true.

It’s very hard to find

Two with the connection...

Like, You and Me!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Monday, July 31, 2023

Parody Post

 Early Bird

Gets the worm.

Dare say it's your turn.

Even though it may be late

Can't I appear at another date?

Early, comes once again

Will they not let me in...

All's fair in time of day

Who's to say

Yay or Nay?

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Mindful Post(LOP)

 Rise to the Occasion

Why stay still

When its within your will

Needing to take a stand

You are in command.

Making up the mind

Being so inclined

The deed is all ahead

Remember, to be kind!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Monday, July 24, 2023

Wholesome Post

 Traveled Together

The travels are many.

Memories stay stamped

As destiny dictates

Pathways to the story.

Time spent as one

Creates bonds and affections

Delivering love unconditional.

Reliving stories in later years

Strikes the necessity to

Continue the travels and

Perpetuate the enlightenment

Of Family...

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Cheerful Post

 Zig and Zag

It can seem comical

When the Zig

Complicates the Zag.

Not intentional but part 

Of the play.

Maybe a bit of a drag

That seems more than

Just a typical lollygag.

One is determined to

Own the brag.

The other will have to

Wave...the White Flag!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Monday, July 17, 2023

Tenderness Post

 By Design

It's so blatant very undeniable

There's no need to be verifiable.

Two souls living as one

Is there anything else to be done?

Naturally the seasons take its course.

Leading up to the final discourse.

Being so real and dual dependent

Gives up the aura, life everlasting.

Going down the road

Heads held up high

Everything looking genuine

Reaching towards the Sky.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Wholesome Post

Put on a Smile

It's actually really easy to do 

Enter into your mind

Not, to be Blue.

Thinking of something happy

It'll turn things around Fast

And Snappy.

Broaden the cheeks

Showing the grin

That will hit all peaks.

Swiftly, feeling that smiling

Is a very good thing.

After all...it doesn't sting!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Monday, July 10, 2023

Music Post

Ode to The Stones 

They keep moving to their beat.

Over 60 years from studio

To the street.

Mastering their sound to perfection

It was definitely instant satisfaction.

Love them or not their legacy stands tall.

Rolling with the times and within the band.

One thing for sure, going in any direction

Work hard stay true to yourself...

And never waver, because truth-

Is better than fiction.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Cheerful Post

 Didn't Sleep a Wink

 I was told to count sheep

 After not sleeping a wink.

 Tossing and turning

 The mind very much churning.

 Wondering what to do

 Hoping it's not a ritual.

 Looking in the mirror

 Coming upon the antidote.

 It's so obvious; skip...counting the Sheep!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Cheerful Post

Crab Grab

Very heartwarming to watch

As the Crab's are consumed.

Even as they scrape

While trying to escape

The Grab is gentle and tactful.

Tasteful folks enjoying the catch.

There seems to be no match.

Cheerful happy faces

Displaying close moments together.

Reaching here, grabbing there.

Savoring each moment of

Tasteful thrill.

Most important through one's eye is;

The adventure of living it...

As One.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, June 26, 2023

Tenderness Post

Follow The Heart

Pursue the heart with complete devotion.

The trueness of the feelings will not deceive.

Although at times it may disappoint

The emotions will always rekindle... 

The path to happiness.

So, when the heart is heavy

And carrying deep grief

Have faith the love that fills that chamber

Will place the heart once again

Endearingly, onto its path.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, June 22, 2023

Optimistic Post

 Fastidious Fredy

Fastidious Fredy is always ready

You could also say, very steady.

At times somewhat difficult

And often times arbitrary.

But one can certainly describe

Fredy, as kindly;

In an abstract fashion.

But always present

In times of need...

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, June 19, 2023

Cheerful Post

 Sweet Thing

Take one bite treat your palate.

The Mango fruit, they can't go without it.

The sweetness pouring over all the senses.

Caution, there is no ending to the refreshing

Sensation so don't even try; it will be fruitless.

Isla Del Canto, offers so much beauty

Could stay on forever, it seems my duty.

As the fruit quips, "Enjoy at your Pleasure."

Having one more...just for good measure.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Mindful Post

 Are You Sure

Being sure you make conversations

Fully confident in all its implications.

Then the doubters and show boaters 

Put on the twist.

An angle here and objection there

A different direction all together.

Once this is in play it's hard to put it at bay.

Suddenly doubt creeps into your psyche

 What to do?

Looking for a lifeline thrown

Nobody wants to be that known.

Reaching from within for a remark

At this time, I remain in the dark.

hope you enjoyed the reading,

M. Steven

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Mindful Post

 Don't Mind If I Do

Sometimes one gets asked a question 

Over and over again

To accept an unsolicited gift.

The kind of query that makes

You wonder why so insistent?

Could it be a kind gesture

Or a guise to a prank...

After a few go rounds

Of good nature

The verdict without question

Is sincerity!

So be it, as it is

The question presented one last time

One answers clear and without hesitation

 "Don't Mind If I Do"!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, June 12, 2023

Heartbreak Post

 It's Not About You

It's all anyone can do, when it's not about you.

The truth be told, it has gotten old.

Memories abound of good and bad.

Both parties involved no longer in bliss.

One or the other is heading towards tomorrow

Leaving the hurt squarely on you 

Not knowing what to do.

The sequence of self-doubt, regret and low image 

Takes it's course.

Ultimately, as time wears on 

Through the memories and good times

What is seared most prominently in the mind,

Is the sound of the final send off, 

"It's not about you."

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, June 8, 2023

Wholesome Post

 The Secret Ball

It's the biggest secret of all.

Only if the ball could see

The images would be one of Glee.

Two people enjoying each other

With the ball that holds the secret.

Not a monumental incredible gadget

But, the coupling of young and old

That leaves behind an alliance

Which is the memories to be told.

Inspired by, Aria Vega.

                                    hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Cheerful Post:Kiss

 The First Kiss

The first kiss is such bliss

It is such a moving moment 

All one can say...it was breathtaking.

The mind and heart will hold that jubilation

Always, and will be newly sensed

By virtue of a reminiscent calling

Deep within the heart.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Wholesome Post

 Like Child's Play

Wish we could be like kids able to play all day

The friendships and companionship's are real fun 

And go a long way.

Never a more innocent and natural interaction 

Between kinship's can be examined.

As our years advance, if we could only embody 

Those childhood characteristics...

It would be for our greater good.

The smiles and camaraderie are most striking

Even if not all, is to their liking.

It would be worth a whimsical wish to possess 

That childhood code, even if for only one day.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, May 29, 2023

Parody Post: Chattery

Chattery, Chatter Me

Give me some chatter oh...

Dear Chattery.

It seems you know the trivia

Of every single dilemma.

If you were to come under inquiry

The outcome may be very iffy.

So, anyone who investigates 

May very well determine

Chattery, is the essence of chatter.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Cheerful Post

 The Big Screen

If there's something you need to watch

Turn to the Big Screen.

Sometimes getting it together can make

You scream.

Gadgets to find, buttons to push.

There is no easy way.

Guides, Menu's, App's and pick a number.

We all know the drill, all I want now

Is to lay down and slumber.

At last things are in order after

Being put through the mill.

Sitting comfortably calm as can be

Suddenly, power goes out

Nothing to see.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, May 22, 2023

 Reflection of Deception

A look in the mirror can tell the story

Only the figure standing there knows 

The hidden identity.

Open the door cast that shadow

What's really inside?

Cover the outside with color and wit,

Only the wise will be able to see fit.

No matter how tall or short the intriguing shroud,

There's no escape for the covert reality,

Living inside.

hope you enjoyed the reading, 


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Intriguing Post: Walls

 If The Walls Had Ears

If the walls had ears

It might bring some to tears.

Very personal stories of struggle.

Might make happy turn to rubble.

If the walls could offer guidance

The ears will hear the voice saying

Although you may stumble

Pick yourself up its just your

Humble heart examining a stirring soul. 

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Saturday, May 13, 2023

Cheerful Post

 What's the Hurry

Everyone moving around in a scurry

Makes you wonder what's the hurry?

Moving all around at times upside down!

What's the meaning of this behavior

One can get lost almost needing a savior.

The deeds will be done sooner or later.

Why put ourselves through this crazy pace

When after all, it's not a race!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, May 11, 2023

Inspirational Post

 Plant The Seeds

Plant some seeds watch them grow.

Oftentimes it seems so...slow.

They say patience is a virtue.

That adage is hard to see through.

But when the time comes to reveal

The growth is really a dual surprise.

The beauty blossoming from the ground

As well as from within.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Monday, May 8, 2023

Cheerful Post

 All Bottled Up

Buying the favorite drink with caps.

No, it's not the kind with snaps.

All the contents that are within

Get shaken up wondering where it's been.

Once it was created the purpose was certain

Now that the volume has a new insistence

Time to lift the cap, escaping more resistance.

Twist, twist, twist away better run-

Do not stay!

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...