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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Fusion Post: Sun Rise, Sunset/ It Comes From Within

Sun Rise, Sun Set

 It's the way of life, day's come and day's go, when we take the time to really think about it, such is the continuance of life.  As we travel through our path of busy lives it is similar to taking the moment of watching the sun rise and being available to watch the sun set.  It is a simple comparison , do you want to witness and be involved in the rising or further down your path, wish you had taken the time to do so...

It Comes From Within

The wonderment of life can be as complicated as we make it, or not.  Whatever obstacles are tossed our way ultimately the resolution is up to us.  There are a few factors that are integral to all dealing's in our reality.  The resolve we finally call upon to help us is quietly and patiently waiting from within...

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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