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Monday, February 27, 2023

Wisdom Post

Life Is What You Make It

There are many pieces of advice as young adults we hear but quite often we do not heed them.  The major life advice that stands tall above the rest, " Life is what you make it."  So true and in and of itself, is both insightful and cautionary.  Many elements of life come and go, some out of our control others most definitely in our control.  The key is to recognize when we're in the driver's seat and understand the consequences of our actions.  Often times very tough to do, we seek wise input from trusted family and friends, then place it on a life scale looking down the road and how it may shape the future.  Don't be afraid and grasp the reality that, " Life is what you make it."

 hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, February 23, 2023

Poetic Post

 You Might Be Right

Two people arguing on the same point.  " It can only be my submission of The events," states the snobby know it all!  " But my recollection is crystal Clear, this is quite evident in my fact's," muses the sophisticated opinioned Crackerjack!  Being that two people were present at the same affair, it's Quite humorous to witness this standoff.  After countless minutes of Bantering back and forth, posturing within their mindsets, they mutually Agreed there was room for scrutiny.  Then, famously almost at the same, They said to each other, " You might be right."

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


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Monday, February 20, 2023

Wisdom Post: Like It Was Yesterday

 As we ride down the road of life, the day to day has many memorable events that stay with us forever.  It's fascinating to realize how the mind works especially when we are in our later years of life.  Yes, we remember good and bad but particularly the very impressionable events that remain so vivid in our mind it's like replaying the moment in time as a video clip.  Some things we recall almost exactly as it was, then there are memories that flash you back to date and time like no video clip can.  That's because something that vivid leaves an indelible feeling and visual playback that it seems as if you were there once again.  In some regards it's better than a picture or video because it's inside your mind and soul, your high school football games, holidays with mom, dad and family or when your first born spoke the first word. The beauty of our mind and spirit is so unique, we can recall all these timeless memoirs in an instant and relive that amazing remembrance wholly and clearly, "Like it was yesterday."

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Mindful Post: Get Out Of The Way

 In our daily lives we feel it necessary to help others when we see fit.  For instance, at work we may take someone under our wings to mentor and guide, chiefly to aide in a good cause.  As our involvement grows and results are evident it's easy to stay past the time frame needed to boost someone up.  We can become to tangled up in the goal that maybe we need to step aside and let the person stand alone.  Same at home with a child or young adult, guide, advise, direct and don't dictate just keep the pulse of the progress and let nature take it's course.  Above all, know when the time has arrived where the next best action you can oblige, is to gently and quietly, " Get out of the way."

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, February 13, 2023

Wisdom Post: Big Shoes To Fill

 It always brings a smile to my face whenever I hear that quote.  The image of stepping into a size 15 shoe is visual imagery at it's best.  This is normally reserved for the workplace when you've been achieved a promotion and the person you're succeeding is an icon within the company.  At first, the opportunity is  a worthy advancement but the legacy of the superstar looms large in your psyche.  Ultimately, it takes confidence, courage and determination to make your own footprint, with hard work and dedication to establish and make your own imprint with your name on it.  So be it, it's a size 9 1/2 shoe that speaks in reference to yourself without living in the shadow of the icon before you.  

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Cheerful Post: When You Least Expect It, Love Returns

 As a adolescent we're struggling with many nuances about life swirling around us.  At this most impressionable junction in time love lost is a major life lesson to come to terms with.  The duo of won then lost, leads us to confusion and self doubt.  We're searching to recover and heal and willing to pull out all the stops. Rebound dating, non- committal relationships and maybe even avoidance of any liaison, the lesson here is to go about your life being open minded clearing out any hang ups we might have.  As a result,  inevitably in due time when you least expect it almost out of the blue,  love will present itself.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, February 6, 2023

Wholesome Post : Union Of Mind And Body

We've all heard about having balance in our lives.  At times it goes in one ear and out the other, but it's that one time where you hear it and it rings that bell in your mind to check it out.  We're  mostly so consumed with feeding our mind with thoughts of family, work and discovering new things in life that our essence becomes one sided...out of balance.  As a result, that heavy out of balance bring's us to a point of taking some action.  It's like the flip side of that 45 disc record, B side that should be listened to.  What we can discover is that by giving the body some care and attention, this actually bails out the load that the mind carries and evens out the playing field.  Unquestionably, mind and body perform better together in unison and harmony.  So, whenever you feel somewhat uneven check in to see which side needs nurturing be it a vacation, exercise or a more improved diet, give it that nourishment and walk the line of equal alliance for a better and well rounded life.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, February 2, 2023

Mindful Post: All You Had To Do Was...Ask

 Some thing's in life come the hard way, others come by the way of an easier course. When it comes to needing a helping hand, we often get tangled up in over thinking, caution and embarrassment and even shyness rule the moment.   These inhibitors almost always get in the way of simplicity.  The recourse is as obvious as, tomorrow always comes.  Have personal trust in the people around you and don't feel bashful in your asking.  Once you realize beating around the bush is time wasted, you'll find, " All you had to do...was ask," in the first place.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...