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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Once in a Lifetime…

As we get older in life, we experience an event or events that resonate within us. The title suggests a one time circumstance that quickly comes and goes. But is it really? Can there be many or a few of these instances? Yes, I believe so. In many facets of our lives this adage appears most times without notice. There can be many examples. It may appear as a one time 'perfect' job opportunity that either you seized or it slipped away. Chances are another opportunity came up and it worked out well. Or, it may present itself as that dream home that somehow didn't develop but disappointed.Yet, we survived and moved on and built great memories in our home that fate directed  us to. Its such a great ideal and notion that gets romanticized almost to the point of being celestial and maybe, even out of reach. But if we are honest with ourselves, the once in a lifetime concept comes in second to our reality that we have come to love and enjoy...

                            I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

                             Comments welcomed on social media links below.



Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Rear View Mirror"...(Cardona/Mercado)

Life as we know it is just a flicker of light. In the blink of an eye the rear view is the only view in sight. When first navigating our path the perspective was seen through a windshield anticipating what's to come. Then we crossed over into adulthood and we viewed our travels through window panes with fortitude and resolve. After some time ailments started to take its toll. The eyes see blurry shadows in the mirror, that's all we witness. As years pass, we move forward not with anticipation but with interpretation. No more looking ahead, but glaring back at us is the culmination of past deeds some memorable others fateful. Then, a sudden flicker of light beams us across into another entity, as we enter uncharted territory of awe and uncertainty...

                           I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

                                         Comments welcomed on social media links below.



Monday, February 21, 2022

Time Matters…

It is said tomorrow comes, just another day. True as that may be it’s the importance of what was accomplished or what was put off that counts. Each day brings its own roadmap by design or otherwise. It’s the realization that what you didn’t achieve on any given day might alter a meaningful event, or close a door that could have been opened. Follow your heart, mind and spirit everyday, be the driver that makes every hour count. In the end our legacy will reveal how dearly we loved life…

                         I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

                                       Comments welcomed on social media links below.



Thursday, February 17, 2022

Better Late Than Never…

Most of us live on instant gratification, a rushing urgency in the daily grind of life... answers, answers, answers. Completion and achievement rule. We all know some things take time for the best results. Can't fast forward cooking a great meal. Its not smart to force a decision on a career choice. Learning how to play a musical instrument takes time. Or, pressing a love interest into taking the next step prematurely, is never a good plan. Hopes and dreams can disappear in an instant when prudence is not the rule of thumb. More times then not, allowing late to win over never is the best decision you can make.

                           I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve
                            Comments welcomed on social media links below.



Tuesday, February 15, 2022

It's Out of Touch/ Be Happy

It's Out of Reach

Many times, we want or desire something and we give up, thinking it’s unattainable. That’s our own personal voice telling us that. If we believe and have a dedication to a purpose we must persevere, no matter what that small voice is saying. If you stand up and lift your head up and expand your heart and mind, fearlessness steps in. You’ll hear a different voice saying, it’s not out of reach…

Be Happy

Being happy is not hard at all. It starts with a rising moment of gratitude and gratefulness. It is a conscious heartfelt decision to be merry within yourself. Be open to touch others as your day progresses. It can be contagious and inspirational towards everyone around you.

                           I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

                             Comments welcomed on social media links below.



Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Take Nothing for Granted…

 The very best way to appreciate the life we have been given is to really be as one with creation. It’s the color that surrounds our canvas. The Sun, Moon Trees and Flowers are undeniable grace. In an instant a ray of sunlight or morning dew after a rainfall, lifts the day to happy heights. The essence of our domain was meant to be fulfilling. Don’t pass it by or ignore the impact life holds for us. Our challenge is to never take it for granted…

                         I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


              Comments welcomed on social media links below.



Monday, February 7, 2022

This or That / Turn left, Turn Right…

This Or That

 Sometimes your days are so filled with things 

you don’t know which to do first. 

Your mind gets so full of “ to do’s,” its exhausting. 

I need to do this, but I have to do that! 

Once in awhile I’ll do more of  this, 

then it seems I get more of that completed.

It’s a shock anything gets checked off the

List, I can tell you this for sure…

if you’re keeping score 

This, almost always equals That!

                                Turn left, Turn Right

Ah, somedays are just like this. Which way to turn? Almost since the moment you rose out of bed you can feel it. Right away comes a challenging decision. If I decide left, no it doesn’t work. If I go right, no not a good choice. All of a sudden you are caught up in the ‘Left, Right’ riddle. The fog sets in and dizziness becomes in charge. Which way is out? It’s easier said then done. Stop turning and go down the middle you’ll see the ‘Light’ that steers you Right! (or Left).

                           I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

                                          Comments welcomed on social media links below.



Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...