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Thursday, September 21, 2023

Returning Characters

 Zig and Zag (go straight)

The way they travel can make 

One mad.

They even confuse themselves.

One day, working on a big payday

It's decided to go another way.

Contrary to their norm the plan,

Is to alter directions for the good...

Of the pay.

Time is of the essence, go directly

Is agreed.

As usual Zig goes one way, Zag wants

The opposite.

Z turns to Z and befuddlement takes over.

Zig wants left, right turns

Zag wants right, left.

It seems a directional agreement is 

Not at hand.

What to do?

On their way to make this pay,

It turns out, left and right go 

Hand in hand with...right and left!

Then, by the way of road detours,

They discover this time and

Maybe this time only, as fate 

Would have it, rather then 

Zigging and Zagging...

With all the plotting and planning...

What's better than chatting and lagging

Is going straighter with less panting.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, September 18, 2023

Parody Post

 Wrong Direction

Ever head that way, then all of a sudden

You realize, on the wrong passageway!

The once certain directional is now


Thinking who needs GPS?

Obviously, the answer is a resounding YES!

Have some faith in today's Tech

To avoid the embarrassment of

Landing out of check.

It just takes a little study

Have some faith 

It'll keep you


Tech is here to stay

Wouldn't have it

Any other way.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, September 14, 2023

Optimistic Post

 Feeling Lucky

What to do with it.

One can play with the odds.

Or just mire in the emotion.

The feeling is just that, a feeling!

Is it intrinsic or a ghostly:


Can it be mimicking a truly lifted


Or a camouflage to a farce.

Some of us take it as a sign to

Act on and gain by.

Others look up with a smile

And power through...


Making a distinction along the way.

First thought is share the vibe

Put positivity in the air.

When the sensation strikes

It has its own agenda,

Join on in, don't dismiss the inspiration.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Parody Post

 Mum's The Word

The concept seems a bit


Needing to say something but

Mum's the word.

Who has the audacity to

Prescribe such a request?

It just may prevent being 

At best.

Speaking your mind is a

Respected discourse.

Certainly not to be taken in jest.

The only one who can give

Such advice, of the word...

Is "Mum." 

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, September 7, 2023

Mindful Post

 Hold That Thought

Don't get caught letting it out

Sometimes it's good to leave some


Good to be pensive not spilling the


Holding on so tight

Not revealing the dreams.

A sound discussion need not

Divulge, all it's contents

Save to behold.

Wise to withhold leave it in

The weeds.

There is effectual merit in

Protecting the seeds.

All in all, silence has its choice

Who's to say, it can't wait

Another day...

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Returning Character: Fastidious Fredy

 Fastidious Fredy (is needy)

Fastidious Fredy one who is always heady 

Is in need of a person's generosity.

Not in a monetary sense

But in a collaborative faculty.

Seems, Fastidious Fredy is facing a

A conundrum of sorts.

Possibly his biggest puzzlement

To date!

His exacting element seems at

Odds with his choosy side.

Can't make a decision on

This house or that house.

Unusual for Fredy, normally selective!

Leaning on some help makes FF,

Want to Yelp!

Finally, coming to his senses

(with a little help)

Even someone of the elevation as

Fastidious Fredy, in due course, from time to time-

May need to accept...

A word to the wise.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Saturday, September 2, 2023

Feature Post

 We The People

Everything we have is speakable.

All we ask is security from treachery

And adherence to our gifted construction.

The needy and innocent be attended.

All armed forces be revered and esteemed.

The very basics of an equally free life...

For all,

Be guarded endlessly!

Honest participation in governing be

Respected and Validated.

Valor and Perpetuation of

The United States of America:

Be foremost in the Consciousness,

Hearts and Souls of American Leadership.

God bless, 

The United States of America. 

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...