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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Words of Encouragement

Cheer Up!

Life is wonderful.

It's on you to figure it out.

No big mysteries when it comes to self.

find the peace within,

Then the road ahead is defined.

hope you enjoyed the reading, 

M. Steven

Monday, February 10, 2025

Parody Post: Crooked Eye

Don’t look now but is that

A stye in the eye?

It looks uneven could it

Be a shift in attitude?

Or maybe a frown and

A squint of discontent!

Hopefully it’s not a deviation

Of 20/20 balance.

Upon examining closely into this

Quandary, it seems that

The vision is as skeptical as…

It’s identity!

  hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Too Much Talk


Too Much Talk

Considerable amount of squawk

Ends up leading one to walk.

Considering what’s at hand

Deciding what’s best for the frock.

Directions, entertainment, nourishment

Should be voiced with authority not


All good intentions, ultimately resulting

In fine assessment.

hope you enjoyed the reading,

M. Steven

Thursday, February 6, 2025

An Original

In this copycat world it's a curious happening as you look around and see reproductions everywhere.

From personal look-alike styles, colors, clothing and attitudes, speech and actions...it's endless.

Makes you wonder where is the thought of being genuine?

Oh, but there are originals somewhere, it's that they're being camouflaged by aspiring replicas.

It may be time to visit the nearest auction house to certify, if possible some sense of…


hope you enjoyed the reading,

M. Steven

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Take Notice

Always wise to be present.

Being absent minded is no

Way to represent.

Living idly means missing the show.

Wonderful gifts of nature

Trees, Sun, Rain or Snow.

Seeing and feeling is the way to go.

Emotions set free enabling,

One’s heart to overflow.

Giving and sharing makes the journey


Giving time and attention to being a

Good listener in times of strife.

Unless one is open minded and aware,

The gifts surrounding us go to the


Lift the head up, gathering all encompassing

The only way to absorb life’s…


hope you enjoyed the reading,

                 M. Steven


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Distance Between Us

Even though there is distance between us, it's not a defining concern.

This does not bring an end to all.

Unless this is what you wish.

We can accomplish wonderful deeds from a distance.

It could be the motivating and decisive element of sincerity.

Shrink that compass to a mere afterthought.

It's the realization that the commitment to any concern,

Closes the distance between us.

hope you enjoyed the reading,

                M. Steven 

Monday, January 13, 2025

What is the Plan

First review, it's not a scam.

Are we going forward or…

Leaning backwards towards a jam.

Even though it's not on paper

May have to ask you to immediately scram.

The intent needs to always be

A partaker, never a faker.

Needless to say, life is what you make it.

Being keen on someone may render,

Vitally needed litmus paper.

hope you enjoyed the reading,

                 M. Steven

What did you Expect?

Situations full of neglect Working past overtime Hardly increasing a dime. Kids in dreamland, need to be home Sometime. Wife’s thinking, “ne...