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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Optimistic Post: Cloud

Not a Cloud in The Sky

Ever have a day where the weather

Dictated the events at play?

Spirit and happiness was at a high

Very abundant and feeling never ending.

Mother Nature in control making sure 

Her beauty is filling the very soul.

Looking up and gathering the aura

The blue is in command-

Not a cloud in the sky.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, May 1, 2023

Parody Post

 Travel Light

Every time we plan to travel it's time to travel light.

As this thought comes to mind, a ray of light becomes 


The bag gets packed everything's intact.

The light is driving the introspection

Always deciding in what direction.

Following the luminous lead to travel

We don't have any time to hassle.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Mindful Post

 Getting Some Sun

The winter can take its toll, cold weather and all.

Towards the end some warmth seeps through, not nearly enough at all-

Just glow.

Then the season turns the page.

We feel a little better about our age.

The final breakthrough of the season to come, 

Is the first opportunity to get some sun.

Basking in the rays can consume the open days,

Wise to take every liberty while the energy is around.

Before we know it, as past seasons have taught us,

We'll once again be in the timely need of... 

Getting some sun.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, April 24, 2023

Parody Post

 Big Hand, Little Hand

One is bigger than the other.

The little hand is smaller, and maybe stronger.

The little ones add up to create big ones.

The big one always moves things along.

So which hand is most important?

It's so difficult to figure out, let's flip a coin.

What this comes down to is...

Can we go about our lives without, 

One or the other?

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Thursday, April 20, 2023

Wholesome Post

 A Wish for The Well

It's well known, throw a coin make the aspiration.

Many coins, many heartfelt thoughts going out to loved ones and friends.

If we could collect all the money, hopes, promises and,

Good will, it would be monumental.

We can't forget the body that holds all these cherished offerings.

So all being held together, here's a coin toss for the long standing well,

With the hopes that it will continue over time,

To make many dreams and wishes,

Come true.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Monday, April 17, 2023

Inspirational Post:Red Barn

 The Red Barn

Being on the farm, what's in the red barn?

Looking around it could be many choices.

Horses, cows, swine, chickens, maybe even people!

Walking with wonder to find the answer,

The mind is full of imaginary anticipation.

Step by step the heart beats louder.

Nearing the barn door the eyes open wider.

The first stride in, is complete exhilaration,

Which instantly takes over.

What's actually inside?

Enough of life itself to fill and move a heart with, 

This time and place of a lifetime.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Cheerful Post

 A Surprise Ending

You're in the play and you watch all day.

As time moves on, one can almost predict the result.

With all it's twist's and turns, it does leave room for some sway.

Then the story begins to wind-down....the day.

For one, the outcome may become eternity in waiting,

For another, it brings an unexpected smile of soothing comfort.

hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


What is the Plan

First review, it's not a scam. Are we going forward or… Leaning backwards towards a jam. Even though it's not on paper May have...