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Monday, May 30, 2022

Mini-Post:One Step At A Time/Having Second Thoughts

 One Step at a Time

Sometimes we falter and have a setback.  It can take some time to recover. Remember its very much mind over matter.  The time wasted struggling inside may be shortened by one simple adage, "one step at a time". When we run instead of walking the quickness overshadows the necessary and deliberate steps available that leads us to the best solution.

Having Second Thoughts

Often times our initial response to any situation may seem very disagreeable.  When issues take us out of our comfort zone, we can be perceived as being insensitive. At that moment, it just may be the case.  Ultimately, we are capable of taking a minute to re-evaluate how we reacted and make a thoughtful change to our response. In emotional circumstances it would be prudent to think twice before any sentiment is offered. 

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments are welcomed on social media

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Money Doesn't Grow On Trees

Ah, growing up those youthful days when parents offered sound life advice, with endearing quotes- "There's only the right way to do things", "You have to attend college, to get a good job", last but not least, "Money doesn't grow on trees". All three still resonate today and to a large extent, suggest valuable lessons. Being at home we're out running around without a care in the world. Friends, family, sports, school and a part-time job was the blue print. Parents would foot the bill for everything, clothing, shoes, allowances, phone all covered we really didn't realize the weight of it all. Well, as we got older and started taking on some responsibilities, we began to feel and see that part-time take home pay dwindling away fast. Then after finishing our schooling, the big event comes along, moving out to our first apartment with ALL, the expenses that comes along with it. As we budgeted our monies and understanding the impact, that famous motto is remembered with a smile and nod, they were right, money doesn't grow on trees...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, May 23, 2022

Enjoy It While You Can

 During our lifetime certain moments or circumstances come our way, that needs to be fully appreciated.  As a young adult, we almost inwardly take these events with a grain of salt, because we feel there's a lot of life ahead of us- next!  Whether young or old, acquiring that first car means more than just a ride, it's the experiences on wheels that brought you to many memorable places.  That automobile by itself, leaves a personal signature in your mind, that can never be replaced.  The family vacations to a distant location that had all the elements of fun in the sun, with loved family members.  It's true it was enjoyed at the time, but the value it has on both the past and present are the chronicles that makes up a life story.  Looking back and thinking forward, it seems best to be aware of time and place and always, enjoy it while you can...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Friday, May 20, 2022

Popular Re-Post- Its A New York Thing

  It's A New York Thing

You’ll see and feel the hustle and bustle immediately.  Some take it as indifference towards other people. It’s just a lifestyle displaying the fundamentals of living in the big city. There’s so much to offer and so much to do. It takes a certain temperament to make the most of the day. Are they cold, no. Sometimes arrogant, maybe. One thing I can tell anyone is that if you are in need of help in New York City just ask, help will come your way. I can attest to that. My city gets a bad rap. Don’t be mistaken, it can have a bad day for sure. But when the chips are down, I’ll count on a nitty gritty New Yorker anytime. Especially in a moment of urgency.

                        It’s just a New York thing...

                          I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve
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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Believe It Or Not

Sometimes we come across a conversation that seems to good to be true.  You want it to be real but, there seems to be some storytelling going on.  We all like a good story however, if its presented with a potentially impactful outcome, chances are you will walk away puzzled.  If for instance, you were told a friend of a friend played scratch off lottery at the same dealer, and won almost every time; well... If you were explained that an English teacher, knew every word definition on challenge from the dictionary, I think I would have to be there and witness the performance.  I'm sure there's many other folk tales being spun on a daily basis.  Unless you are present to see the story, all you can do is speculate and either believe it, or not.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments are welcomed on social media

Monday, May 16, 2022

Follow The Instructions

How many times have we purchased an item that needs assembly? I'm certain more than we care to admit. As we happily open the box and size up the situation, it quickly goes from, I got this, to...oh, no!  First, the instructions are on numerous pages as well as in three different languages. Getting past that, we check ourselves to follow the numbered steps, one hundred percent.  No winging it although, it was a major temptation to avoid it. As we move quickly to steps 1,2,3 suddenly, we are presented with assembly challenges that stop the momentum.  Parts that don't match up, brackets that seem the wrong size, nuts, bolts and washers that look to be endless. At that point you carry on, trial and error at its best holding steady to the instructions. The end result looks pretty good but, there's a couple parts left over that has nowhere to go.  You are genuinely pleased but scratching your head, and thinking to yourself...but, I followed the instructions.

 I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Popular Re-Post. Dingman’s Cabin

Dingmans Cabin (my happy place)

It's the place to go to, even though 

you will never know when it calls. 

The timing is quite random 

although the need is demanding 

and necessary. 

We all need to seek peace; it is not given. 

Go there, be present just you and the walls. 

Even though it seems lonesome,

it is the setting to which you may find the inner solution. 

If the space can speak it can be soothing, 

no guarantees that you will find the truth.

But, one can say in its own way, 

"The walls will hold you up." 

              I hope you enjoyed the reading, 



Thursday, May 12, 2022

Mini Posts: Prayer For Humanity/Choose To Be Happy


Prayer For Humanity

At this time and place we turn our thoughts and hopes to our civilization.  It's up to all humanity to protect, preserve and improve its very essence with a consciousness towards everlasting life...

Choose To Be Happy

Each new day is an entry into the logbook of life.  The only way to enjoy our ride is to grasp each day with humor in mind.  There can be an upside, a humorous take to whatever befalls us.  Just remember problems, accidents and misunderstandings often are out of our control.  We need to be determined to deal with the issue looking at the bright side.  It's easy to blame oneself but, keep in mind we can also forgive ourselves. Being angry and sad brings the spirit down and choosing happy and cheery, lift's everyone up...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media



Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Road To No Where


Going through our daily obligations, often times there's signs on the road that we either take notice of or choose to ignore. Its these times when we neglect to take action, that sooner or later problems come to light.  There's the minor tooth ache that suddenly disappears and we shrug it off.  Then, a poor report card sign, that say's your child is not doing well in school.  You write it off to one bad marking period.  What happens next, the tooth is a full blow abscess, lots of pain and angst. You receive a call from school, your child is failing out. As we drive down the road of life, take heed of the sign posts along the way. For you may find yourself suddenly acquainted with, the endless road to nowhere. 

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media



Sunday, May 8, 2022

In One Ear, Out The Other


There are many instances where this proverb stands out in anyone's mind.  The two glaring instances are,in the work place and at home with our headstrong adolescents. At work, this circumstance becomes evident while training or explaining policy, to a new or long term staff member.  You can see that either they don't get it, or won't get it.  It's more than obvious by  their attitude or non-compliance.  Either way...the in and out adage applies.  The adolescent, almost always is at the, "I know it all", stage in their life.  They of course know better and have their own way of doing things.  As we're trying to teach or correct behavior, chances are it's rough sailing trying to get through. Facial expressions, grunts and groans are the norm.  After painstakingly putting forth your best effort, you remain hopeful but, there's a good chance it went, "In one ear, out the other."

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media



Thursday, May 5, 2022

All's Well That End's Well...

 We're all programmed for immediate results, quick and decisive answers.  Instant gratification so we can process the information and then on to the next move.  But, unlike fast food, ATM's, and text messaging, waiting and thinking for a while can make a huge difference in a persons life.  Postponing that trip due to low funds and deciding to wait and save more for the trip, is a worth while delay.  Giving a spouse or partner space and time alone when needed, instead of putting forth an ultimatum is very wise call. We need to trust our gut more often, and take a honest and thoughtful look at the circumstances. Checking in with a loved one or confidant is a necessary ingredient, to obtain the best outcome.

                            I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

                                                            Comments welcomed on social media                                                also:lifesproverbs@gmail.com


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Offer A Helping Hand

It doesn't cost much to make time to help someone. There's a huge upside to giving a person some needed advice and support, that calms the immediate stress and offers solutions to a dark time period.  It barely interferes with our lifestyle, to donate time or money to an individual in crisis.  It may impact the situation to a point of neutralizing distress, that leads to possibly less anxiety and creates a hopeful future. Just the act of reaching out and showing concern can give a person encouragement and strength to heal and reclaim their life. 

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Dueling Conversations...(the one up dialogue)


Sometimes holding a conversation can be challenging. Its very hard  when in a delicate discussion. Then it can turn cumbersome because during the exchange of words, it elevates to a "one up," dialogue. One person whether on purpose or in a competitive mindset, try's to surpass the other with a story of greater merit or accomplishment. It can be very unsettling to follow and enjoy. Right after this battle begins, one can easily turn off and retreat to another place. It's more interesting to converse with the intent of sharing and enjoying each others worldliness, without the impression of being boastful...

                       I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

                      Comments welcomed on social media



Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...