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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Feature Post: A Sense Of Wisdom

A Sense of Wisdom

We go through life learning enriching lessons.  Some the easy way, others the hard way.  One element of our being is to gather wisdom from our personal adventures.  Seek to have wisdom that overtime helps you make good decisions and obtain great insights for situations that may arise.  All of us have this ability to turn life's ups and downs, into our own personal wisdom vault that gets unlocked as needed.  If consumed correctly, it behaves as an extra sense that we have added to our arsenal.  Always trust it as it proves out, never take it for granted.  For ignoring it can lead to difficulties or at the very least a missed chance, that you may never be able to reclaim...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Sunday, June 26, 2022

Mini-Post:Step Outside/Word Of Acceptance:Embrace

Step Outside

A mistake some people make is to not, step outside themselves.  The world is outside surrounding all of us.  To stay inside leads to a narrow, biased and possibly lonely existence.  Contemplation has its merits.  Take in arms both worldly realities and self-wisdom, both can exist and strengthen each other.


There're many times where acceptance is the way.  Making waves, getting angry and being in disagreement is not advised.  Consider others, their situation and feelings.  There is always another side to the drama that must be worth noting.  Take the breath, keep all in mind, then decide.  

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments are welcomed on social media

Thursday, June 23, 2022

If You Say So...


Occasionally we come across a friend or co-worker that tells a tale that leaves some doubt in your mind, as to the details of the story and it's merit.  This yarn takes you inside the dubious saga of whimsical delight. It seems after purchasing an instructional video on martial arts, and viewing it several times, it was time to sign  up for a formal class. During the class all the learned skills from the video were displayed.  This proficiency was admired and he was asked to teach some classes in the future. Of course, the offer was turned down(too busy), all of this explained with hype and gusto.  In complete puzzlement and amusement I might add, all one can suggest with a grin and a rolling of the eyes is, if you say so...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Sunday, June 19, 2022

Mini-Post/Doing What's Necessary/Open Your Eyes

Doing What's Necessary

Every so often duty calls. Usually it's a good thing, but sometimes it's a challenge to comply.  The important point here is, what has to be done is not about you.  It could be for a family member, a good friend or a needy neighbor.  Step out of yourself and put people into perspective.  Realize, there may come a day when you need some help, and that someone will help you in, doing what's necessary.

Open Your Eyes

It seems we go through life searching, wanting and expecting.  That great job we keep looking for is out of reach, when the one we do have has some great promise for the future.  The life partner, soul mate we keep seeking out, could very well be an illusion.  Why we restlessly keep hunting for the ultimate trophy in our minds, can be relieved by simply coming to terms with the truth.  What you're pursuing may be right in front of you.  All you need to do is, open your eyes.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments are welcomed on social media

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Here We Go Again

 We the people, often times then not get into a routine, and that repetitive cycle can become an issue.  The work routine is a necessary obligation. The lifestyle rituals have their upsides for sure.  When it comes to social interactions, commitments, it can get tricky at the very least.  Within these social dealings repetition can become a matter of contention.  If a certain disagreeable behavior continues, somebody will be voicing for a change.  At that point, an agreed upon solution is put in place.  Once again some rituals and attitudes, take time and effort to modify.  It's at that juncture, the guilty party will hear the all so familiar phrase, here we go again...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Sunday, June 12, 2022

Mini-Post: It's A New Day/Being In Touch

 It's A New Day

We've been given a new day. What we do to show appreciation and gratitude for everything around us is powerful. Resonate good will and happiness in hopes it will be a constant thread through our daily interactions.

Being In Touch

Blinders have a place in life. In horse racing for instance, it has a purpose. They are not meant for the human experience, although some people wear them on a everyday basis.  The idea is to have a 360-degree outlook always.  The constricted vision only tells part of the thrill of our entity.  Strip away the barriers to participate in the wonders of being in touch...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments are welcomed on social media

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Next In Line

This is a classic remark that has so many applications it's humorous. At work, you can be next in line for a raise or promotion.  On the family tree it could mean, a nice inheritance or elevation to the  matriarch or patriarch of the family lineage, with great pride.  Out in society, there's a few instances that can make you smile or frown.  There's the line at the bank drive through, you notice you were next to go, as fate would have it, slow transaction in front of you, someone went ahead of you.  We're all aware now of the gas lines. This has turned out to be the luck of the draw. Depending on who is directing the line, you can arrive first and not, be next in line.  Last but not least, there's the retail line. Five registers are open, you're standing clearly next, register six opens, next in line is called out, the stampede of people behind you takes over.  So, the next time you hear that familiar catchphrase, realize you actually may not be, next in line...  

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments are welcomed on social media

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Mini Post:Be Giving/Don't Be Judgmental, Be Unconditional

Be Giving

 There are times where helping the needy means more than a monetary gift.  Money comes and goes and often times it's not the answer to the problem.  On occasion what's most pressing is heartfelt, honest and caring guidance. There is hope that the advice is taken and in the long run, it's more valuable than what the dollars may tender.

Don't Be Judgmental, Be Unconditional

As we are people, this can be complicated. It's only true if we accept it.  Some reasons of these complexities are personal, frivolous measurements, that cloud the basic human side of us all.  We need to see clearly with no tape measure of societal markers of success.  The best path of human endeavors is to be always unconditional.  

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments are welcomed on social media

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

It Was Bound To Happen

Sometimes we can see a outcome coming from miles away.
Two examples bring to mind, one being behavior the other procrastination.
In the case of behavior, think of the wise guy who keeps pranking people with tricks and practical jokes.
As the deeds unfold in your mind you think one day...
usually that day arrives.
The prankster likes to use water as his partner.
Water balloons, hoses if it's available at the right time game on.
One day he's all dressed up for a night on the town.
Suddenly, he finds himself participating in a video bucket challenge!
getting a taste of his own medicine.
In the case of procrastination, you're shopping around for that
Guitar you want you see it at a reasonable price but the shopping continues.
Even your best friend urges you to buy.
The seller contacts you for the sale, still slow to react.
Finally when the call is made
Sold, to a motivated buyer.
Anyone could see, it was bound to happen!

hope you enjoyed the reading,

Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...