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Thursday, June 9, 2022

Next In Line

This is a classic remark that has so many applications it's humorous. At work, you can be next in line for a raise or promotion.  On the family tree it could mean, a nice inheritance or elevation to the  matriarch or patriarch of the family lineage, with great pride.  Out in society, there's a few instances that can make you smile or frown.  There's the line at the bank drive through, you notice you were next to go, as fate would have it, slow transaction in front of you, someone went ahead of you.  We're all aware now of the gas lines. This has turned out to be the luck of the draw. Depending on who is directing the line, you can arrive first and not, be next in line.  Last but not least, there's the retail line. Five registers are open, you're standing clearly next, register six opens, next in line is called out, the stampede of people behind you takes over.  So, the next time you hear that familiar catchphrase, realize you actually may not be, next in line...  

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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