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Sunday, July 31, 2022

I'll Do It, If You Do It


Looking back at our youth, there seems to be a mutual experience where it comes down to A: can I do this, should I do this? Or B: do I trust the word of my friend, to join in? The friend say's, "I'll do it, if you do it!" It could be as innocent as joining the chorus in Junior High, or as immature as giving a rival two flat tires.  Either way it comes at an expense.  But mostly, it's a lesson in mature judgement and loyalty.  Each of these two scenarios are weighed differently.  Both involved relying on each other when the moment of truth arrived.  Even if, one or both teens are smart enough to say, "I'm not doing this!"

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Feature Post: Don't Hold Back

We often times question our role in life. Sometimes whatever the issue may be, finds it's way to a solution. It's easy to look back and see the answer. The idea is to play the cards as best you can with some help if necessary.  Some simple rules may apply.  Do the right thing, never cheat, be honest, and always communicate.  There's a right way and a wrong way. Yes, both very true.  But, there is one very integral aspect of our adventures on this earth, a very basic- don't hold back.  Discover the strengths you possess, and give it your all.  It's only then you can really understand and define yourself.  Not for others, but for yourself.  Regretting life's efforts can haunt you with the blink of an eye.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Popular Re:Post:Life Goes On

It's so evident now as time has passed on, life really does go on.  In our younger years, days and seasons pass by, holidays with all it's meaning, activities and disappointments,fall in line with the yearly cycle.  Birthdays anniversary’s , engagements and proms it's all there for the taking.  The sentiments and experiences may change a bit, but we have a new opportunity as the calendar flips over, a clean slate is presented.  It's what you make of it good or bad life is made up of wonders, kinship's and exploits that are exclusive only to our own selves.  We stop stare and participate as much as we can, one matter is for sure, the engine of life will continue to zoom along with all its reality and splendor.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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#lifes experiences

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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Cheery Mini-Post: Start With A Smile/You Can Laugh At Yourself

Start With a Smile

Start each day with a smile.  The intention is to step out into the day with positive, cheerful and hopeful interactions, that impact the people we meet.  Wear the smile like a badge.  Do not let instances or ego's take it away.  Fashion it like a piece of the sun you carry that brightens up every situation your new day offers...

You Can Laugh at Yourself

Often times we let a personal gaffe get the best of us.  We internalize and place blame or consequences all on our shoulders.  Many times, it's not as traumatic as we perceive it and maybe somewhat out of our control.  Take a deep breath, look in the mirror and say to yourself yeah, " What was I thinking?" and laugh it off...

I hope you enjoyed the reading's, Steve

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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Feature Post: "I Heard That!"

We've all been in the situation of being caught expressing ourselves out loud, when it wasn't the smartest moment we've had.  Mostly it was not being disrespectful, but more like being  frustrated  and maybe a little bit annoyed for some reason.  One recollection may be with a parent, we might haven broken a rule, forgot to complete a chore, or was just in a grumpy mood.  As parents do, they got after you and gave you lecture 2.0, that was endless...  At the conclusion of the verbal sermon, you were asked, "Do you understand?"  You say yes, and as you're walking away you utter under your breathe, "Whatever". You instantly catch that immediate echoing comeback,"I heard that!" 

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Cheery-Post:A Brand New Day/It's Ok

A Brand-New Day

 When waking up be grateful for a brand-new start. Yesterday, whether good or bad is now past.  Breathing in a fresh new day, is invigorating.  Take the positive vibe with you wherever you travel.  Give back to the world around you with happiness and good intentions.  

It's Ok

It's ok to laugh the day away

It's ok to be single minded

It's ok to change an opinion

It's ok to say you're sorry

It's ok to feel awkward at times

It's ok to disagree with a loved one

It's ok to recognize a prejudice

It's ok to change that prejudice

It's ok to stand by your beliefs

It's ok because we are inherently imperfect people

I hope you enjoyed the reading's, Steve

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Monday, July 11, 2022

Fleeting Moments


There are many times during our daily lives that a sudden instant of time, becomes a huge memory clip, we play back in our head over and over again.  Sometimes we don't realize it until it passes, it strikes you moments later when the awareness rings that bell.  It could be that loving look your mother showers you with just because... That instant your heart beats rapidly when you meet your life partner for the first time.  Or the moment an opportunity knocked, and you either opened the door or not.  Whether fate is the play maker here, it may be just the way the world turns, wisdom dictates be expectant and vigil, to be able to corral that fleeting moment...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, July 7, 2022

Feature Post: Don't Go There

As a child you would hear some protective advice from guardians to be careful and safe.  Whether it's roaming out of the family home zone or going into another street without supervision.  In the teenage years it was about going into places(bars), homes (older people), and parties with alcohol and no parental control.  Progressing into adulthood, it can mean, look before you leap, always make good thoughtful decisions and ask for advice at any time.  At work, during a heated discussion with a co-worker or boss, understand where to draw the line.  In relationships, recognize that what you might say can either damage or help repair a difference of opinion.  The image that pops up in my mind is hitting that pause button, when thoughts come to mind of that insightful advice from mom, dad or guardian, don't go there...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, July 4, 2022

Mini Post:Prayer For Peace/First, Focus On Yourself

Prayer For Peace

Good will and peace for humanity starts with all of us.  As we continue our day have patience and humility within ourselves to grace upon each other.  May peace and respect prevail over any hard times and misdeeds we may encounter.

First, Focus on Yourself

In our efforts to always have good intentions towards others, this must come first with sincere introspection.  Wise people say, first you must be forthcoming with a virtuous heart and soul.  Be at peace within yourself in order to reach out and make a difference in someone's life.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...