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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Popular Re:Post:Life Goes On

It's so evident now as time has passed on, life really does go on.  In our younger years, days and seasons pass by, holidays with all it's meaning, activities and disappointments,fall in line with the yearly cycle.  Birthdays anniversary’s , engagements and proms it's all there for the taking.  The sentiments and experiences may change a bit, but we have a new opportunity as the calendar flips over, a clean slate is presented.  It's what you make of it good or bad life is made up of wonders, kinship's and exploits that are exclusive only to our own selves.  We stop stare and participate as much as we can, one matter is for sure, the engine of life will continue to zoom along with all its reality and splendor.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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#lifes experiences

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