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Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Beat Goes On

 As our heart beats, so does the rhythm of life. Not only as people, but nature also with it's breathtaking tempo.  Season by season, displaying it's ups and downs.  The flow of traffic as we move about, has it's ebbs and tides.  Taking a walk on a country trail, you can hear the ripples from the waves emanating from our creeks and rivers.  The vibe we engage in walking with gusto in our local cities and towns, speaks of a certain cadence we can share with each other.  Not to forget the heartfelt pulse we have for our family and loved ones.  All around us, day by day in many ways... the beat goes on. 

 I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media



Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Think, Outside The Box (a parody)


Have you ever stopped and realized where you do most of your thinking?  What comes to mind for me is my writing corner, where I have all my necessary writing essentials(journal, pencil, pad), to complete my chronicles.  From time to time, a boss at work advises us to think outside the box. Now that mental image can drive one crazy.  Do we actually box ourselves up to a point where we're trapped, captured and can't escape?  Come to think about it the antidote could be to unpack the box, keep the elements needed out in the open air. Don't be surprised that you'll be told to-think, beyond the atmosphere...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media



Sunday, April 24, 2022

That...Was Not Easy

 Have you ever faced a situation where something was being taught too you,  something completely new, and it was presented as not a big deal to get down pat?  I'm sure we've all been there, whether it be learning to ride a bicycle or parallel park a car, it's challenging at the very least.  It's of course different for everyone. For instance, getting up in front of a group of people to speak for the first time takes preparation, practice, and prowess.  The advisor tells you, it's a walk in the park, you'll be fine.   At the end of the presentation, after rehearsing for days, then delivering the material, you think back and mutter to yourself... that, was not easy.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media



Thursday, April 21, 2022

Pay Your Respects


In the course of enjoying life, we meet some wonderful people along the way.  We are blessed with parents, grandparents, siblings and  cousins that add color and love to our lives. Its great we enjoy and acknowledge how we feel about them when they're alive....and there is an immediate hurt, upon them leaving us to their final resting place which is a sacred testament of where they stay for eternity.  It's our opportunity to visit and pray for their soul and show respect and love as often as possible.  It can be a way of cherishing and remembering days together in life and reconnect on a spiritual level.  The visitations may also be a positive cleansing experience to make amends with the past.  Appreciate loved ones in life and never forget them in passing.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media



Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

An inspiration by my wonderful granddaughter:
Aria Vega (age 7)

Is it fair that we judge other people?  Truth be told, it takes time and an open mind to make an honest assessment of a persons character.  What we might see is not the true picture, the book may have quite a different story inside.  People should take the time to examine the book instead of making quick determinations, with little actual examination.  One book cover may show a person with an obvious physical disability.  However; on the inside of this individual, you'll see accomplishments that rival with the best of us.  If people initially! have more compassion the book wouldn't need a cover.  The cover never tells an absolute story.  You can have a fancy, beautiful cover and have a mean spirited personality displaying many character flaws.  A book has many chapters to read, it takes time and a objective viewpoint to review fairly.  Remove the cover and read the book front to back, and then the conclusion will be unmistakable.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Artwork by: Reina Cardona

Comments welcomed on social media

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Birds Eye View (Cardona/Mercado)

An international traveler gazes out the window, immediately his mind flows to his family below.  A little boy with a baseball glove, stares upward as the plane floats by with wonderment of experiences to come. The age difference plays a role in each others daydreams. The travelers rugged schedule, interrupting family time, and the little boys destiny awaiting in far away lands.

Where are you heading?

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media links below



Thursday, April 14, 2022

Outside Of The Inside

 Ever get caught up in the same old mind set, over and over again, doing the same actions, and thinking the same way, and not freeing yourself from the internal mind grid? That's the pattern you fall into when you keep internalizing your thoughts and decisions. It's being trapped inside your own intellect with no objectivity. Liberating yourself from the mind grid allows freedom to ask and take good advice. Climb out from within the grid, and see the world from the outside.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media links below



Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Feature Post: Take A Look Around

 Our busy lives can cause people to miss out on the beauty around us. Nature's beauty, architecture, the always evolving technology and human nature.  It can be stunning at the very least. The fixation of work, our home responsibilities, can often mean losing out on many dazzling experiences happening just on the other side of our vision. We owe it to ourselves to often times put on the brakes of life, and open our eyes to the elements of reality, living, and surrounding our every move.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Artwork by: Reina Cardona

Comments welcomed on social media links below



Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Only One In The World

I'm sure that going through our daily activities, sometimes we meet a  "human force", of self importance. The I come first persona. My time is more valuable then yours attitude. We see it in parking lots, on checkout lines and driving on any road in the USA. Besides what is obvious here, the force deserves some empathy... why? because we are bigger than the one, and being the only one, eventually leads to a strict continuance of lonely solitude.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media links below



Thursday, April 7, 2022

Inspire Someone

Some days we wake up feeling purposeful, our energy is magnetic and consuming. This is the time when you can give to humanity in a positive way, whoever you may encounter it's that particular moment that you are in synergy with those you meet. Speak to their spirit, give heartfelt encouragement and always offer honest and sincere advice. Because that is the time when both your worlds intersect in compassionate harmony.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media links below



Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Feature Post: The Rule Of Thumb

 Back in the 17th century, various traders made deals where quantities were measured by the comparison of width or length by thumb. This method has its merit and rings of wisdom still today.  In the early days of no measuring tools, improvisation was the answer for the lack of precision calibrating. Now its commonplace to quote some of these cliches in our daily conversations. Some examples are: look both ways before crossing, there's a calm before the storm and where's there's smoke there's fire. One of my favorites is, you'll see lightning before the storm. That's a prevalent occurrence that can also mean, a warning may come in different forms before an incident befalls you. I practice  an easy rule of thumb quite frequently and it always keeps me in line. What would your wise self do? Record this little gem in your memory bank and refer to it whenever relevant, it will bail you out every time.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Artwork by Reina Cardona

Comments welcomed on social media links below



Sunday, April 3, 2022

Keep It Fresh


As time goes, on things get to be almost too routine. Having a daily plan and living it day in day out checks off all the boxes in life, especially in relationships. Many times routines can come back to cause turmoil, it can happen in a flash. Be aware of this threat and defeat its results. Live vivaciously, involve your partner and family, be creative, stay up on fashion, technology and worldly events.Young  and old take heed. The continuance of a bounteous way of life, means keeping the "zest'  in your step and never letting the well run dry. Don't allow the weeds to take root and choke off your lifeline of exuberance. 

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Comments welcomed on social media links below.



Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...