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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

An inspiration by my wonderful granddaughter:
Aria Vega (age 7)

Is it fair that we judge other people?  Truth be told, it takes time and an open mind to make an honest assessment of a persons character.  What we might see is not the true picture, the book may have quite a different story inside.  People should take the time to examine the book instead of making quick determinations, with little actual examination.  One book cover may show a person with an obvious physical disability.  However; on the inside of this individual, you'll see accomplishments that rival with the best of us.  If people initially! have more compassion the book wouldn't need a cover.  The cover never tells an absolute story.  You can have a fancy, beautiful cover and have a mean spirited personality displaying many character flaws.  A book has many chapters to read, it takes time and a objective viewpoint to review fairly.  Remove the cover and read the book front to back, and then the conclusion will be unmistakable.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

Artwork by: Reina Cardona

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