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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Actions Speak Louder Than Words...

  I'm sure we all remember as children when parents or guardians would discipline us and we'd promise to correct our behavior, and it came down to the, "actions speak louder than words", remark that can ring the bell of awareness. As children and teenagers we would oftentimes get ourselves out of trouble by promising the world of change in our actions to quiet the pep talk. And sometimes we would slip back into the same frame of mind as before. Our track record was revealing a repetitive flaw in our thinking. An agreement was made that before going out, the bedroom will be picked up and tidy...never happened. We were supposed to cut the grass weekly, and it turned out to be bi-weekly. Or, it was decided to spend more fun time with your younger sibling and excuses became the norm. Well, it was then time  for parents to take the upper hand in the situation. It came down to a parental visit to your bedroom a robust conversation, and the long lasting words of advice, that echo still in the adult mind, " actions speak louder than words."

                                       I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

                                Comments welcomed on social media links below.



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