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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Feature Post: Behind The 8 Ball (Cardona/Mercado)

Each new day can have it's ups and downs. We know they'll be many balls in the air. What needs to be avoided, is having that one ball divert your course. Sometimes you don't have a choice, but when it does, the dancing begins. You might be forced to drop some balls or pick up others. Your day starts without a hitch, on time clear minded and ready to go.There's three items on the "to do', list that needs to be taken care of, the bank, car inspection and post office. Well, the bank lobby was packed with people and the drive through was even worse. Ok, then the car inspection appointment becomes a time sensitive issue...the bank will have to wait. Onward to safeguard the car for another year. On the way there work calls and needs your attention for over thirty minutes, which makes the inspection late and landing you at the end of the list or reschedule. Thinking...suddenly the phone rings and its your child's school calling to discuss an important matter. At that point you're talking out loud! What to do? You can only energize from within to deal with the legend or resign the day to being captured by the proverbial “8 Ball".
I hope you enjoyed the reading,Steve

Artwork by Reina Cardona 

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