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Thursday, March 3, 2022

Honor Thy Parents…

It's almost not a thought as life progresses, carrying on our personal lives as if it is all that matters.  Our nurturers, protectors are with us all the way.  What get's lost in our youth can be our display of love, thankfulness and attitude towards our parents.  In our later years of maturity as adults the realization emerges of how wonderful parents really are.  To honor our parents, seems to develop as life travels on and wisdom begins to be a dominant attribute in our psyche.  What a blessing our parents are, unconditional love and support.  In some cases we mirror ourselves against them.  It's never too late to devote memories, conversations and events that were special moments which  can only be attributed to our guardians.  Cherish times together, celebrate their impact on your life.  Never forget the spirit they held for you, perpetually remember and pay tribute towards the two people who conceived your existence.

                               I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

                             Comments welcomed on social media links below.



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