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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Feature Post: One Of A Kind


This is all so subjective and personal in its innocence, but it can also have its shade of flimflam if we so indulge. In some case it's a hustle.  The person that's trying to sell a "genuine," Rolex at a one-of-a-kind price...well let's just say we're too smart for that.  In the case of material items jewelry, furniture, cars, they may be special to you if it's rare in nature we go for it.  When it comes to people, loved ones, this is where that description completely hit's the mark.  They become dear to our heart, and as you play the cards of life, remember you'll always have that one-of-a-kind card in your hands...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve
Comments are welcomed on social media


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