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Thursday, August 4, 2022

Fusion Post: What A Pleasant Surprise! / Feeling's

What A Pleasant Surprise!

 Some day's we are given a extra special gift.  It's something unexpected, and it touches the heart tremendously.  At work it could be praise from a boss who rarely offers it up.  Personally, it may be the ring of a doorbell and once you open the door, you see your granddaughter standing there with a big smile and a hug to lavish you with.  It tug's at the heart, stimulates the emotions and in an instant, you say, " What a pleasant surprise!" " I Love You!"


We've always heard it's what's on the inside that counts. This is so true in today's world. For some of us, feelings were lost along the way, others always had it but never really lived the emotions on a daily basis.  Take a look around, feelings for others our fellow human beings, is so dearly needed it's crying...out loud.  We all need to take heed of the calling to care and help each other. Truth be told, it's what's on the inside that counts.

I hope you enjoyed the reading's, Steve

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