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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Fusion Post: Look In The Mirror/ Give A Little, To Get A Little

Look In the Mirror

 The worst thing we can do on a personal level is to pass judgement. Oh, it's very easy to do. We are all on this earth to find our way, contribute in some way to society and self.  A very good check to gain our own individual attention when that urge appears to pass judgement, is to stop and "Look in the Mirror."  What you see may be the gateway to a better you...

Give A Little, To Get A Little

 Some of the simplest things in life can be made up of small gestures.  It may be a pat on the back to show appreciation or congratulations.  Maybe a smile to a loved one to show support and encouragement.  Positive affirmations breed positive efforts, results and good will.  By contributing to others, a cycle of, " Give a Little, To Get a Little," sets in motion compelling connections in a way that can touch us all...

 I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


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