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Sunday, August 21, 2022

Fusion Post: Not To Worry/Forgive Yourself

Not To Worry

Yes, we've all heard this sentiment at some point in our lives, "Not to worry,"(no worries) although sometimes to worry has its upside.  It creates urgency, planning, decision making and maybe even collaboration with someone that leads to a new door opening. Or as simple as solidifying a bond between people.  Not to worry ourselves sick of course, but often times worry factors in heavily on moving forward in a situation or decision.  Although we can take a little worry now and then, its better to take a pass on premature gray hairs and wrinkles...let them arrive in their due time.

Forgive Yourself

We all have baggage in our lives that we wish we could correct but can't.  As time passes by it still weighs on your heart and soul.  Take time for inner peace, ask for forgiveness not only of others but also we need to ask ourselves to be forgiven because peace can only come from within.

 I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


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