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Monday, October 31, 2022

Parody Post: One Way Street


I can remember looking at this sign and a life lesson from my Dad immediately came to mind.  No, not a  driving tip or awareness sentiment but oddly enough, it reminded me of a truism I think we all have heard, there's one way of doing what needs to be done, and that's the right way.  Right from wrong no cutting corners, don't half heart anything was the message.  It may be a bit odd to hear the comparison this way, but the one way street, does have its trigger meaning if you will.  Either you're in or out.  You follow the rules or not.  A team player or an individual.  I do understand of course, it does not apply to relationships.  It's a personally unique way to remember a lesson from a parent that lives through time and generations...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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#lifes experiences

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Monday, October 24, 2022

Inspirational Post: No Time To Waste

One of the many constants that we are always reminded of in many ways is,"time."  Whether it's your wrist watch, cell phone, calendar, grandfather clock or cuckoo clock the message is, time marches on.  Knowing this is true it comes to the point that time should not be wasted. Oh, we need a guiltless do nothing day every once in awhile but, it should not be a habitual undertaking.  Make the most of family gatherings, social events and free time.  Color your days with hobbies, obligations, inspiring pastimes that fill the parcels of time that makes up our days.  As we get older and wiser, looking back it is the realization that we are our own timekeeper with, "no time to waste." 

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve       

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#lifes experiences

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Mindful Post: Dependent On A Dream

Everyday we live can be ordinarily a challenge.  Its so much better when you are confident within yourself and have realistic and grounded goals.  A life is much more difficult when the foundation is built on a whimsical fetish or self love.  This notion must be identified and examined to be self defeating and also phantom for a positive passage through life.  The fraudulent and bankrupt dream lifestyle will rob yourself of a happy and healthy experiences almost on a daily basis. It's wonderful to have a dream that we go for and want to achieve but, it must be considered and evaluated for the simple reason being, "at what cost?"   

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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#lifes experiences

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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Parody Post: Living Large

It's almost everybody's dream in life to be living the luxurious lifestyle.  What it takes can run your battery down and change your priorities in life.  Big car, motorcycle, Rolex watches, name brand items from Cartier, Fendi and Gucci can fill the ego and catapult you into the elite class of social stardom.  But, does it have to be that large? Think about it, what's wrong with living contented and not over the top, going along being successful and making prudent style of living  choices?  Honda over Lexus, why not?  It gets me where I need to go in comfort and with low maintenance.  Seiko over Rolex, it tells the same time.  The money we save on opting not to purchase a Cartier ring or bracelet, allows us to put that money towards a good investment or a great family vacation.  It's the thought some of us may confront at some point in time, live large and race at that speed or go smaller and keep your sanity, blood pressure and ego intact...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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#lifes experiences

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Monday, October 17, 2022

Cheerful Post: Pick Up And Go

 There comes a time in our mind set where planning and designing our every move...becomes monotonous! Boring, same old same old.  Whether at work or on your own time charting out our life needs some free spirited, pick up and go!!!  What that means to anyone is purely subjective.  The idea is to understand your likes and dislikes, partner up with a loved one(s) or friend and hit the high road on a impulsive excursion.  Indoors, outdoors, city or countryside take it on with huge enthusiasm and gusto.  Train ride, camping trails or a helicopter tour, it doesn't take more than determination and a computer to get you on the way.  It's all about crafting an exciting "anything goes," adventure to give a boost to our mental health and happiness.  Bear in mind, when that same boring routine takes hold, grab the luggage bag and trigger that spontaneity then add a spunky off your grid experience into your life's journal...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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#lifes experiences

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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Mindful Post: Present, But Not Here (s.mercado/cardona)

A proud mom is walking with her little child hand in hand, very excited and pointing out some of natures wonders with amazement.  Suddenly, moms mindfulness was elsewhere on her cell phone.  As her child tugged at her arm to gain attention, she continues the conversation with vigor.  The smile on the face of the youth slowly turns into a blank expression, realizing although mom is right there a sense of isolation and idle time is passing by.  She missed a once in a lifetime moment between a child and a parent, that particular point in time lost forever.  We should always be attending to our children, because those precious events as fleeting as they can be, helps create an unbreakable bond between child and parent...

                      I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, October 10, 2022

Inspirational Post: One Door Closes, Another Door Opens


It’s true..one door closes and another door opens, one can say its a part of life.  If you stop and think about it, some instances are more subtle than others.  The consequences are a matter of what aspect of your life it touches.  Career wise, you might have been passed over for the job of your dreams.  But as time rolled on, you realized that upwardly mobile position was not worth the stress and anxiety it offered.  That pass over allowed you to change direction within the company or venture out into another field finding success and lot's of gratification at work.  Meanwhile, house hunting for that perfect home you put a bid on, did not work out.  Very disappointing but staying the course, looking at the bright side and believing your true home is out there finally, good news a wonderful house presents itself deal closed.  This much is on point, if you hear the slam of one door closing wait a bit, you just may hear the swing of that other door opening.

                   I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, October 6, 2022

Optimistic Post: A Life Offering/Be Caring

A Life Offering

 It doesn't take much to start the day with good intentions.  Upon awakening be grateful towards oneself and anyone around you.  Be the person that pushes through any negative news or emotions.  Good wins over bad.  Happy wins over sad.  We've been granted one opportunity in life.  Make it count.  Offer your legacy, set the example and leave a large footprint for when you pass others can follow the path.  

Be Caring

Such a simple word with such a powerful significance in anyone's life.  It takes many forms as nurturing, fostering, protecting all and each one as dynamic as the other.  The key is when to apply the appropriate sentiment to make a difference.  Be aware, be on guard to administer your insightful expression of love and affection.  It can present itself at any given point in time...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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#lifes experiences

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Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Wholesome Post: Don't Be A Stranger

The journey of life takes us in many directions. At times we can become reclusive dealing with our responsibilities and commitments.  I'm sure we can all relate to a point in time when we were a bit distant from a good friend or loved one, someone who you have confided in about almost anything from personal and work issues to world events. The conversation is always deep non-judgmental and invigorating.  As time slips by, that connection can become wayward.  Once the kinship is reunited, there is a sudden awareness and feeling that overcomes us and you think, wow...how I've missed this relationship.  When the give and take wraps up, one looks at the other and says, this was great, "Don't be a stranger!"

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...