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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Parody Post: Living Large

It's almost everybody's dream in life to be living the luxurious lifestyle.  What it takes can run your battery down and change your priorities in life.  Big car, motorcycle, Rolex watches, name brand items from Cartier, Fendi and Gucci can fill the ego and catapult you into the elite class of social stardom.  But, does it have to be that large? Think about it, what's wrong with living contented and not over the top, going along being successful and making prudent style of living  choices?  Honda over Lexus, why not?  It gets me where I need to go in comfort and with low maintenance.  Seiko over Rolex, it tells the same time.  The money we save on opting not to purchase a Cartier ring or bracelet, allows us to put that money towards a good investment or a great family vacation.  It's the thought some of us may confront at some point in time, live large and race at that speed or go smaller and keep your sanity, blood pressure and ego intact...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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