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Monday, October 10, 2022

Inspirational Post: One Door Closes, Another Door Opens


It’s true..one door closes and another door opens, one can say its a part of life.  If you stop and think about it, some instances are more subtle than others.  The consequences are a matter of what aspect of your life it touches.  Career wise, you might have been passed over for the job of your dreams.  But as time rolled on, you realized that upwardly mobile position was not worth the stress and anxiety it offered.  That pass over allowed you to change direction within the company or venture out into another field finding success and lot's of gratification at work.  Meanwhile, house hunting for that perfect home you put a bid on, did not work out.  Very disappointing but staying the course, looking at the bright side and believing your true home is out there finally, good news a wonderful house presents itself deal closed.  This much is on point, if you hear the slam of one door closing wait a bit, you just may hear the swing of that other door opening.

                   I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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