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Monday, October 17, 2022

Cheerful Post: Pick Up And Go

 There comes a time in our mind set where planning and designing our every move...becomes monotonous! Boring, same old same old.  Whether at work or on your own time charting out our life needs some free spirited, pick up and go!!!  What that means to anyone is purely subjective.  The idea is to understand your likes and dislikes, partner up with a loved one(s) or friend and hit the high road on a impulsive excursion.  Indoors, outdoors, city or countryside take it on with huge enthusiasm and gusto.  Train ride, camping trails or a helicopter tour, it doesn't take more than determination and a computer to get you on the way.  It's all about crafting an exciting "anything goes," adventure to give a boost to our mental health and happiness.  Bear in mind, when that same boring routine takes hold, grab the luggage bag and trigger that spontaneity then add a spunky off your grid experience into your life's journal...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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#lifes experiences

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