Sometimes circumstances put you in a quandary where its a "what to do?" scenario, it usually leads to either a wise decision or a excessive one. A story line may be, you're at the Black Jack table, and the winning chips are staring back at you... the dealer asks if you're in or out? The mind is racing...take the chips and cash in or continue to play, what to do? Maybe the gut reaction will dictate or some sound advice will help with the decision. Another case in point, you're shopping alone at a retail store and there's an enticing Buy One Get One, deal on casual shoes. Half price for a second pair... wow, but I only need one pair, its very tempting trying to justify that extra duo. The shoes are staring back at you calling attention to the internal stylistic ego that has emerged. At that point you are stopped in time and that inner voice keeps buzzing in your ear, over and over again, " should I...take it or leave it?"