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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Feature Post: Take It Or Leave It


Sometimes circumstances put you in a quandary where its a "what to do?" scenario, it usually leads to either a  wise decision or a excessive one.  A story line may be, you're at the Black Jack table, and the winning chips are staring back at you... the dealer asks if you're in or out? The mind is racing...take the chips and cash in or continue to play, what to do?  Maybe the gut reaction will dictate or some sound advice will help with the decision.  Another case in point, you're shopping alone at a retail store and there's an enticing Buy One Get One, deal on casual shoes. Half price for a second pair... wow, but I only need one pair, its very tempting trying to justify that extra duo.  The shoes are staring back at you calling attention to the internal  stylistic ego that has emerged.  At that point  you are stopped in time and that inner voice keeps buzzing in your ear, over and over again, " should I...take it or leave it?"

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve
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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Feature Post: One Of A Kind


This is all so subjective and personal in its innocence, but it can also have its shade of flimflam if we so indulge. In some case it's a hustle.  The person that's trying to sell a "genuine," Rolex at a one-of-a-kind price...well let's just say we're too smart for that.  In the case of material items jewelry, furniture, cars, they may be special to you if it's rare in nature we go for it.  When it comes to people, loved ones, this is where that description completely hit's the mark.  They become dear to our heart, and as you play the cards of life, remember you'll always have that one-of-a-kind card in your hands...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve
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Sunday, August 7, 2022

Feature Post: Tomorrow, Is Another Day


During the course of our busy days, our goal is to finish the to do, list...and some.  Some days are achievable in that respect others not so much.  Our drive to be as efficient as possible can sometimes get the best of us, especially when we fall short of the list.  It's a situation where common sense and awareness needs to take over, then the realization can come forward, that the most important items were checked off the list. Time to defuse, punch the clock and acknowledge with a sense of accomplishment tomorrow, is another day...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve
Comments are welcomed on social media


Thursday, August 4, 2022

Fusion Post: What A Pleasant Surprise! / Feeling's

What A Pleasant Surprise!

 Some day's we are given a extra special gift.  It's something unexpected, and it touches the heart tremendously.  At work it could be praise from a boss who rarely offers it up.  Personally, it may be the ring of a doorbell and once you open the door, you see your granddaughter standing there with a big smile and a hug to lavish you with.  It tug's at the heart, stimulates the emotions and in an instant, you say, " What a pleasant surprise!" " I Love You!"


We've always heard it's what's on the inside that counts. This is so true in today's world. For some of us, feelings were lost along the way, others always had it but never really lived the emotions on a daily basis.  Take a look around, feelings for others our fellow human beings, is so dearly needed it's crying...out loud.  We all need to take heed of the calling to care and help each other. Truth be told, it's what's on the inside that counts.

I hope you enjoyed the reading's, Steve

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Sunday, July 31, 2022

I'll Do It, If You Do It


Looking back at our youth, there seems to be a mutual experience where it comes down to A: can I do this, should I do this? Or B: do I trust the word of my friend, to join in? The friend say's, "I'll do it, if you do it!" It could be as innocent as joining the chorus in Junior High, or as immature as giving a rival two flat tires.  Either way it comes at an expense.  But mostly, it's a lesson in mature judgement and loyalty.  Each of these two scenarios are weighed differently.  Both involved relying on each other when the moment of truth arrived.  Even if, one or both teens are smart enough to say, "I'm not doing this!"

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Feature Post: Don't Hold Back

We often times question our role in life. Sometimes whatever the issue may be, finds it's way to a solution. It's easy to look back and see the answer. The idea is to play the cards as best you can with some help if necessary.  Some simple rules may apply.  Do the right thing, never cheat, be honest, and always communicate.  There's a right way and a wrong way. Yes, both very true.  But, there is one very integral aspect of our adventures on this earth, a very basic- don't hold back.  Discover the strengths you possess, and give it your all.  It's only then you can really understand and define yourself.  Not for others, but for yourself.  Regretting life's efforts can haunt you with the blink of an eye.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Popular Re:Post:Life Goes On

It's so evident now as time has passed on, life really does go on.  In our younger years, days and seasons pass by, holidays with all it's meaning, activities and disappointments,fall in line with the yearly cycle.  Birthdays anniversary’s , engagements and proms it's all there for the taking.  The sentiments and experiences may change a bit, but we have a new opportunity as the calendar flips over, a clean slate is presented.  It's what you make of it good or bad life is made up of wonders, kinship's and exploits that are exclusive only to our own selves.  We stop stare and participate as much as we can, one matter is for sure, the engine of life will continue to zoom along with all its reality and splendor.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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#lifes experiences

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Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...