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Monday, December 26, 2022

Fusion Post: The New Year Mindfulness/ Going Forward

 The New Year Mindfulness

The thought of a New Year is both contemplative and rejuvenating.  Yes, we all try and do our best and the year ending is the time where we review our dealings and hopefully we are pleased with the year we put in.  Honesty, realistic assessment almost unfolds as the thought comes to mind.  While the New Year is quickly approaching, family, work and social interactions are the subjects of scrutiny, the only real judge of the matter is us, was it a person positive year? Can we look back and feel content within ourselves?  Hopefully so, another year gone by yet another encouraging year approaching to continue our good and kindly deeds that touches and moves as many people as achievable.

Going Forward

Life is an endless cycle of...day in day out.  It's how we fill those days is what registers on our book of life.  Think positive, fill those pages with sincerity and kindness to propel yourself into the momentum of an engaged, effective and wholesome life.  

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, December 22, 2022

Christmas Post: A Time Of Giving/ Listen To The Music

A Time Of Giving

This time of year is wonderful, it's best served by embracing self reflection and humility it is also the greatest season of giving.  Not to give with thoughtlessness but to reach down into your heart and conscience to offer up to loved ones and friends, the most heartfelt gift you can bestow on them. Thought, caring and sincerity are the elements of delivering a Christmas present that will resound within the spirit of the season.   

Listen To The Music

Not only is the Christmas season about family, friends and giving it's also about Music.  From the classics, "We Wish you a Merry Christmas, Silent Night, and Jingle Bells," the air waves and sound systems happily play these warm classics.  These gems lift the spirit and they transport us back in time where youthful holiday experiences rule.  Take the time to listen, feel and playback the wistful holidays gone by. 

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Sunday, December 18, 2022

Parody Post: Got A Minute?

 Have you ever been in a situation where someone say's to you, "Got a minute?" Now certainly it all depends who, what, where and when and why.   If it'a a work thing it could be good or bad but, it will take much more than a minute for sure, especially if it's your boss.  Usually if you're on good footing a favor or extra effort is commonly the asking.  In your mind the minute probably feels like an hour.  Naturally, this intrusion is at the end of your shift and you need to be somewhere asap!  You can't or won't shut down the encounter with the boss...have to be professional!  As this long saga rolls on you know what the punch line is going to be.  Ultimately you're ok with it, just spell it out...At the end of the minute (which is now 30), there's  a quick  "no problem," exchanged.  Then as you saunter away and wondering  to yourself, the initial question comes to mind, " this REALLY, should have taken only a minute."

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Fusion Post: Noble Examination/ Find The Sun

 Nobel Examination

It happens occasionally, conflict emerges within that engages the heart, soul and mind.  Each want to move in different directions although they are respectful of each other.  We try to manage a middle ground but it's not always the outcome.  Either way it turns, the resolution should contain without exception a mutual understanding and a clear conscience...

Find The Sun

Individuals can move around daily in a mechanical motion.  That experience can be colored black and white.  So, what needs to happen is as soon as possible, go to the nearest sun generator in your life, whether it be a person, place or thing to influence some color and tranquility from within you. 

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Inspirational Post: That's Not A Bad Thing...

 Many times what we perceive as a dilemma in our life can actually be a small gift in disguise.  When we look at the situation for face value, it really may seem at odds with our goals.  In time this circumstance could be completely reversed as time and conditions have a habit of correcting what was deemed  out of line.  Not having your first child on exactly your timetable may prove out to be beneficial, considering all else revolving around your world.  Timing is everything but many times letting situations play out is not a bad thing...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, December 12, 2022

Fusion Post: Face The Truth/ Take The First Step

 Face The Truth

One very valuable life lesson hopefully we learn at a very young age is to always, "Face the truth."  It's so beneficial to grasp early on because it spills over onto so many other aspects of life's journeys.  Sometimes it's hard to accept the truth, it does hurt but the healing effect is always waiting on the other side of acceptance.  

Take The First Step

We all learn to walk by putting one foot in front of the other.  As that motion becomes instinctive it has a place in our world on other levels.  During  heated, controversial disputes, it takes a cool head and character to take that first step toward mutual compromise.  It doesn't come easy but for one's part it's most gratifying to be the one, that takes the first step...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Fusion Post: I Can Do This/It's Me Time

I Can Do This

 Life can be full of challenges often times they come all at once.  If we stop and think about it they come in all sizes with different timetables and necessary responses.  It seems like we're always figuring something out.  Whether it be putting together a piece of furniture, taking on a diy project or learning a musical instrument.  This involves commitment and an open mind to see the challenges through.  One tip for sure, don't start unless you mean it!  On the flip side, if you run up against an obstacle, deal with it do your homework get help if needed and keep moving.  Surely if the commitment is unwavering all you need to do is reach for a little self confidence, look in the mirror and say to yourself, "I can do this," and carry on...

It's Me Time

It's ok to keep in mind that you count also.  We do so much for our family and friends it's not selfish to take some quality time off for yourself.  No guilt, no haunting voice inside your head prodding you on to move away from "me time." Whatever makes you happy do exactly that with or without anyone else if necessary.  It will help fuel the engine for, "people time."

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, December 5, 2022

Music Post: Have A Favorite Song? Gimme Shelter

 Asking this question these days I'm surprised at the answers yet, I understand why most people respond the way they do.  Most people I ask say, " I have many," or " It depends on my mood," or simply "No."  Clearly many of us don't have a favorite song of songs!  I can admit there are a few hallowed tunes in my library, but for me one stands out head and shoulders above the rest and for good reason.  Gimme Shelter, in 1969 was a song of it's time, that related to war, society at the time, and hope that reverberated throughout the airwaves and eight tracks with commanding attention.  This hard driving heart pumping tune was shared with a close friend one Friday night that drove our enthusiasm about the song over the top to play it over ten times in a row!  At that moment it became a bonding song and also a personal theme song as well.  Playing it brings back a time and place, with memories as well as a reminder that music in particular, a treasured song especially, can be stamped in the mind and soul of the listener.  So I ask, " Do You Have A Favorite Song?

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Fusion Post: Open Your Eyes/ Have Some Faith

Open Your Eyes

It seems we go through our lives endlessly searching, wanting and expecting.  That great job we covet and keep pursuing is out of reach, while the one we do have offers great promise.  The perfect life partner, spouse and soul mate one keeps seeking out, could very well be an illusion.  Why we restlessly keep hunting for the ultimate trophy in our minds can be relieved by simply coming to terms with the truth.  What you're going after may very well be right in front of you.  All you need to do is open your eyes...

Have Some Faith

Time and again we seem tested in our beliefs and convictions.  Faith can have strong implications in regard to religion for sure.  But what it may simply boil down to is when struggles arise at work, home or out in society, find your quiet place, dig down deep inside and have some faith in yourself...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, November 28, 2022

Cheerful Post: The Change Of Seasons

There is a whole list of life's beauty that we take for granted.  Nature with all its artistry surrounds us with stories of natures cycles and changes.  A rebirth with colors that can astound any nature lover and photographer.  In spring time, rebirth and rekindle can be the theme.  Trees, plants coming back to life after a harsh winter.  The fall colors are second to none and reminds us of the good and bad that we live with as we watch the leaves fall to the ground in a graceful rhythm, that can be mystifying to gaze at.  The winter touches us with a home bound mindset meaning, stay close to family and friends.  Summer is all about fun, getting outside enjoying all of the Suns gifts and taking a much needed time out, with family and friends.  This season allows us to let our hair down, be spontaneous and to participate in life with the backdrop of, blue skies and the sun rising high.  So, when you need a break from the race all it takes to fill up that much needed spiritual mindset, and do not standstill and simply participate in the cycle of seasons...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Friday, November 25, 2022

Fusion Post:Self Awareness/ Morning Pledge


Many times, we get caught up with our circumstances and are blind to what is happening right in front of us.  There is a time for self-examination, and a time to release the urge for self-absorption, and interact and relate to the world around us.  If you don't you will live an existence of one dimension with no depth of substance and compassion.

Morning Pledge

As we begin our day of "purpose,' keep in mind the awareness of the needy.  Be quick to offer comfort and support whether it be moral, spiritual or enlightenment...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, November 21, 2022

Wholesome Post: Feeding The Spirit/Pass It On

Feeding The Spirit

 What goes in always comes out, the results are always up to us.  As we protect the physical abilities, always remember to eat well.  Supply the body with clean, healthy natural foods that not only gives our body nourishment, but also feeds the spirit, that drives our daily deeds to be the best we can be...

Inspiring People: Pass It On

Small gifts can give a big meaning at the right time.  When you are feeling particularly caring and thoughtful and are given the opportunity to dispense some insight to a person in the moment, "do it."  You will see the action of faith, trust or confidence you pass on, will touch the heart and soul of the beneficiary instantly, that leads to a swift sense of serenity...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve       

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Fusion Post: A Blind Eye/ Never Run

A Blind Eye

 We are born with 20/20 vision, seeing  all that is around us clearly and with  extraordinary color.  As the years add up the eyesight changes in many ways.  No time, no words, and little offering of any acknowledgement to our fellow humanity.  The concept should be, always keep the vision broad, never turn your back or a blind eye to a struggling individual who might be experiencing a debilitating reality.  

Never Run

When you run from yourself and pressing concerns, the hill turns into a mountain, the pile turns into a stack.  You will quickly realize the inner world and sanctuary you need becomes a spinning wheel with no end in sight.  Once your wheel is in motion it's hard to stop.  But, it can be done.  The run is up to you, take a moment to pause look in the mirror, seek out advice and support from trusted  and close people.   Act on it, then you'll realize you are able to "walk," not "run."

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, November 14, 2022

Mindful Post: Look Before You Leap

We all need some good advice from time to time, wise people always say. For example, these very common truisms surely sound familiar, don't judge a book by its cover, keep your eye on the prize, and this little classic two heads are better than one!  All three have some fundamental insight that makes one pause and think.  Another all time adage is," Look before you leap."  This sage forewarning can be applied into many pathways of life.  In relationships before popping the big question, scrutinize every angle of starting a union together.  Is there sincere love and respect that's necessary for a solid foundation in matrimony?  It's a life changing commitment that requires great thought. In the case of investing, doing the homework is key and being able to live with the risk is unavoidable.  In both cases the key word here is "leap," sometimes an alarming action to take, there are instances where due to the nature of the decision you must take immediate action and hopefully it will all work out. Experience tells us the way to go is, take the intuitive course, examine wholeheartedly each action and result, believe in what you are about to do seek out trusted counsel then, inhale deeply, exhale freely look both ways and...take the leap!

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, November 10, 2022

What, Are You Waiting For?

Often times we are over cautious in making decisions or taking action on a important life issue. Recognizing that you need to make that call to the doctor when you'e not feeling well, but...you put it off.  Sooner than later, that ill feeling comes back again.  Once again, there is hesitation!  It's obvious why wait?  That  is a typical busy human reaction, other concerns take priority.  The same can be said for interpersonal relationships.  When it comes time for that difficult conversation about honesty or commitment well... the next opportunity it will be approached.  As time passes by it becomes a make it or break it showdown.  In both cases, the drama could have been mitigated.  Some times we hesitate and it somehow works out, but when action is calling you loud and clear, the thought process should be, "What am I waiting for?"

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Sunday, November 6, 2022

Fusion Post: Consider Others/A Waste Of Time

Consider Others

We all live in our individual realities.  It can easily influence us to be less caring and blind to the burdens of people we come into contact with.  In those encounters and moments, we have the opportunity to step into their existence and provide immediate comfort through words and or deeds.  This act of caring, as simple as it may seem, can lift an individual's spirits and hopes, and spark a sense of courage to deal with difficult times.  Those of us that are fortunate enough to be less conflicted in life, think about making a genuine effort to consider others...

A Waste of Time

Sometimes we do things out of force of habit.  Other times we do some things because you feel in control.  As our efforts continue and the same bad result shows up, it's time to consider giving it up.  People are given a predetermined amount of time on this earth.  We shouldn't squander the effort we put forth in life, on recurring defeated outcomes.  Go with the positive intentions, touch as many hearts as you can and cherish, time...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Friday, November 4, 2022

Mindful Post: The Double Road

Every so often we find ourselves facing two paths, or a double road from which we are to choose from.  In the most elementary form, it's a good vs bad judgement call that can have bleak consequences, or a good choice with a gratifying end result.  Choosing not to go into that rowdy bar while underage is a very smart choice.  Taking a gamble on a house you can't afford, leads to a major life complication, for sure.  It seems in many cases a good vs. bad choice is obvious which way to go.  Sometimes obvious, loses out to spontaneity, always a risky proposition.  So, when the double road presents itself, have some trust, the good road invariably wins over the bad road.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve       

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Monday, October 31, 2022

Parody Post: One Way Street


I can remember looking at this sign and a life lesson from my Dad immediately came to mind.  No, not a  driving tip or awareness sentiment but oddly enough, it reminded me of a truism I think we all have heard, there's one way of doing what needs to be done, and that's the right way.  Right from wrong no cutting corners, don't half heart anything was the message.  It may be a bit odd to hear the comparison this way, but the one way street, does have its trigger meaning if you will.  Either you're in or out.  You follow the rules or not.  A team player or an individual.  I do understand of course, it does not apply to relationships.  It's a personally unique way to remember a lesson from a parent that lives through time and generations...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, October 24, 2022

Inspirational Post: No Time To Waste

One of the many constants that we are always reminded of in many ways is,"time."  Whether it's your wrist watch, cell phone, calendar, grandfather clock or cuckoo clock the message is, time marches on.  Knowing this is true it comes to the point that time should not be wasted. Oh, we need a guiltless do nothing day every once in awhile but, it should not be a habitual undertaking.  Make the most of family gatherings, social events and free time.  Color your days with hobbies, obligations, inspiring pastimes that fill the parcels of time that makes up our days.  As we get older and wiser, looking back it is the realization that we are our own timekeeper with, "no time to waste." 

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve       

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Mindful Post: Dependent On A Dream

Everyday we live can be ordinarily a challenge.  Its so much better when you are confident within yourself and have realistic and grounded goals.  A life is much more difficult when the foundation is built on a whimsical fetish or self love.  This notion must be identified and examined to be self defeating and also phantom for a positive passage through life.  The fraudulent and bankrupt dream lifestyle will rob yourself of a happy and healthy experiences almost on a daily basis. It's wonderful to have a dream that we go for and want to achieve but, it must be considered and evaluated for the simple reason being, "at what cost?"   

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Parody Post: Living Large

It's almost everybody's dream in life to be living the luxurious lifestyle.  What it takes can run your battery down and change your priorities in life.  Big car, motorcycle, Rolex watches, name brand items from Cartier, Fendi and Gucci can fill the ego and catapult you into the elite class of social stardom.  But, does it have to be that large? Think about it, what's wrong with living contented and not over the top, going along being successful and making prudent style of living  choices?  Honda over Lexus, why not?  It gets me where I need to go in comfort and with low maintenance.  Seiko over Rolex, it tells the same time.  The money we save on opting not to purchase a Cartier ring or bracelet, allows us to put that money towards a good investment or a great family vacation.  It's the thought some of us may confront at some point in time, live large and race at that speed or go smaller and keep your sanity, blood pressure and ego intact...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, October 17, 2022

Cheerful Post: Pick Up And Go

 There comes a time in our mind set where planning and designing our every move...becomes monotonous! Boring, same old same old.  Whether at work or on your own time charting out our life needs some free spirited, pick up and go!!!  What that means to anyone is purely subjective.  The idea is to understand your likes and dislikes, partner up with a loved one(s) or friend and hit the high road on a impulsive excursion.  Indoors, outdoors, city or countryside take it on with huge enthusiasm and gusto.  Train ride, camping trails or a helicopter tour, it doesn't take more than determination and a computer to get you on the way.  It's all about crafting an exciting "anything goes," adventure to give a boost to our mental health and happiness.  Bear in mind, when that same boring routine takes hold, grab the luggage bag and trigger that spontaneity then add a spunky off your grid experience into your life's journal...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Mindful Post: Present, But Not Here (s.mercado/cardona)

A proud mom is walking with her little child hand in hand, very excited and pointing out some of natures wonders with amazement.  Suddenly, moms mindfulness was elsewhere on her cell phone.  As her child tugged at her arm to gain attention, she continues the conversation with vigor.  The smile on the face of the youth slowly turns into a blank expression, realizing although mom is right there a sense of isolation and idle time is passing by.  She missed a once in a lifetime moment between a child and a parent, that particular point in time lost forever.  We should always be attending to our children, because those precious events as fleeting as they can be, helps create an unbreakable bond between child and parent...

                      I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, October 10, 2022

Inspirational Post: One Door Closes, Another Door Opens


It’s true..one door closes and another door opens, one can say its a part of life.  If you stop and think about it, some instances are more subtle than others.  The consequences are a matter of what aspect of your life it touches.  Career wise, you might have been passed over for the job of your dreams.  But as time rolled on, you realized that upwardly mobile position was not worth the stress and anxiety it offered.  That pass over allowed you to change direction within the company or venture out into another field finding success and lot's of gratification at work.  Meanwhile, house hunting for that perfect home you put a bid on, did not work out.  Very disappointing but staying the course, looking at the bright side and believing your true home is out there finally, good news a wonderful house presents itself deal closed.  This much is on point, if you hear the slam of one door closing wait a bit, you just may hear the swing of that other door opening.

                   I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, October 6, 2022

Optimistic Post: A Life Offering/Be Caring

A Life Offering

 It doesn't take much to start the day with good intentions.  Upon awakening be grateful towards oneself and anyone around you.  Be the person that pushes through any negative news or emotions.  Good wins over bad.  Happy wins over sad.  We've been granted one opportunity in life.  Make it count.  Offer your legacy, set the example and leave a large footprint for when you pass others can follow the path.  

Be Caring

Such a simple word with such a powerful significance in anyone's life.  It takes many forms as nurturing, fostering, protecting all and each one as dynamic as the other.  The key is when to apply the appropriate sentiment to make a difference.  Be aware, be on guard to administer your insightful expression of love and affection.  It can present itself at any given point in time...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Wholesome Post: Don't Be A Stranger

The journey of life takes us in many directions. At times we can become reclusive dealing with our responsibilities and commitments.  I'm sure we can all relate to a point in time when we were a bit distant from a good friend or loved one, someone who you have confided in about almost anything from personal and work issues to world events. The conversation is always deep non-judgmental and invigorating.  As time slips by, that connection can become wayward.  Once the kinship is reunited, there is a sudden awareness and feeling that overcomes us and you think, wow...how I've missed this relationship.  When the give and take wraps up, one looks at the other and says, this was great, "Don't be a stranger!"

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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Optimistic Post: Slowly But Surely

In our fast paced society it's always..go,go,go and faster if possible! There's a lot to be said about realizing sometimes we have to downshift a lot, to see issues clearly and contemplate the benefits of staying the course at your own pace.  Driving on the highway, no real need to always race and possibly catch the eye of the police.  Move to the middle lane, less stress and time to think and plan.  Academically not necessary to rush that project that is due, stay ahead of the due date work little by little and the good results will be there.   Often times its best to be the Tortoise not the Hare..slow and steady wins the race.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, September 26, 2022

Feature Post: Get Out Of The Way

Sometimes in our eagerness to help people in a dilemma, we get so involved that we can become a hindrance to the solution.  We take such a personal interest we can be viewed as an obstacle, rather than contributing to a favorable resolution.  People who care about others have an endless impulse to get involved and help and in some cases injecting a subjective commentary, instead of subjective observation.  In some instances there's a dividing line that should not be crossed, in regards to respect and privacy.  For those reasons alone, one needs to be present in the context of offering help and advice and clearly understand when its time to, get out of the way...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Cheery Post: Music To My Ears

Every so often you wake up feeling,"This is going to be a good day!" As you gather yourself up and feed into that intuition, there's one thing you can add that raises it up a notch, Music.  Its the great mood driver up or down the impact is undeniable.  Already in a groove, put on your favorite song or playlist and it just elevates the psyche even more.  Uplifting for sure, the interpretation and effects are up to the listener.  Most people would agree whether you need a boost or not,  the moment you put on your favorite tunes to get through the day, anyone would admit the answer is, music to my ears...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Sunday, September 18, 2022

Parody Post: Get The Message?

There has been many ways to get a message, in the "old days,"there was a secretary taking the call then passing on the message.  Then there was a family member picking up your call and forgetting to tell you about it.  Along comes the answering machine wow, a great way to screen your calls and dodge any unwanted communication.  Let's not forget when someone at work or play, is trying to tell you something and giving you advice at the same time, they say, "Get the message?"  That's a cloaked way of telling you wink wink, get it?  Now we enjoy the mother of all messaging modes, texting!  The all inclusive screening, copying, saving and answering miracle.  It is as fantastic as it is billed but...if you're not careful it can cause you some major headaches.  If its a happy message, no problem.  If its a testy exchange you are better off calling that person, sometimes texting can get the best or the worst of us.  As a rule its best to be pensive before you message in any medium or deal with the fallout...get the message?

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Inspirational Post: Stop The Fight/What Matters Most

Stop The Fight

The inner fight doesn't make it right.  If you lift the curtain and let the light in...it can be said, all that is maddening will begin to go away.  A fight can be devastating so hold on to your reality.  One needs to realize to stop the fight help is needed.  There are many forms of help spiritual, personal and fate...may have its play as well. But the sooner you open up and recognize the way of a solution, the fight will stop itself.

What Matters Most

Humankind inadvertently gets caught up in the daily grind, that ends up in a ridged routine.  One wonders how to keep the balance on par.  It's easy to tip the scale in the wrong direction and continue that "order," without realizing its harm.  What needs to be restored in a moment of clarity, is to put back in order what matters most, and you'll regain essential harmony in life.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Wholesome Post: Grandchildren, Our Final Wonder Of A Lifetime

As the pages flip over our life story, included on those pages are many highlights such as, traveling on vacation, milestones at work and within the family unit or, simply joy within life's boundaries.  At some point on the road to retirement, we are treated with one of life's greatest gift's, a grandchild!(grandchildren).  They bring expectations, planning and wishful hopes of health, happiness and success.  It's a gift that continuously unravels, with love, affection and surprises that touches the heart and soul.  Loving gestures such as, an unexpected hug or kiss, a simple phone call of just checking in to make sure all is well.  It is an endowment for grandparents that begins to complete the circle of life.  From the first step taken, to the first word spoken the bond is unwavering with a connection so strong...it's a renewal of life for grandparents who are so fortunate to experience it.  We have many heart felt gifts during our lifetime on earth, the legacy of grandchildren is, Our Final Wonder Of A Lifetime...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, September 8, 2022

Cheery Post: Have A Sense Of Humor

 We can all relate to being a bit more serious at times then necessary.  It comes with the everyday grind of work, family and commitments.  That businesslike demeanor takes over and seems like it has a life of its own.  This is why embracing laughter, seeing the funny side of happenings is just plain  healthy.  There always seems to be that one person(s), who is endlessly happy!  Why?...one reason could be, when "things," happen that's out of our control, its processed exactly with that in mind.  When a joke is on you see the humor in it, be apart of the gag and move on.  Partake, give and receive humorous encounters this will help sooth your emotions and maybe even release some anxiety...that can manifest itself as a big loud ROAR, of laughter.

 I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Monday, September 5, 2022

Fusion Post: It's Complicated/Take A Deep Breath

It's Complicated

 We all know our lives have some up's and down's. When thing's are good...all is well.  Everything has order and makes sense.  Life is good!  There comes a time where situations, people, work and family all ties into a demanding period where circumstances need to be sorted out.  During this juncture, you may hear a comment from someone stating, " It's complicated."  For sure it is but it can't be left alone at that one statement.  Lay out every matter in hand and address every concern, some problems may take longer to fix then others.  As each issue is put right, we'll realize gratefully, it's now...uncomplicated.

Take A Deep Breath

Occasionally it's a sound idea to step outside the box we're in and take a deep breath.  From time to time it's worth the effort and mind set to hit the pause button and take in the aura of the existence we live in.  Taken for granted, the beauty of people, nature and travels, this momentary action can revive a sluggish spirit and remind us of what's really important in our lives.   It can even help set the tone in the course of time for a more insightful presence.  It may all be possible if we think to stop...and take a deep breath.

 I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Thursday, September 1, 2022

Feature Post: Penny For Your Thoughts

Penny For Your Thoughts

It's always a joy to stay inside oneself and be pensive and peaceful for a certain amount of time.  It could be for hours, or just a few precious minutes of solitude.  Sometimes momentous thoughts come from these periods, often times it's a very happy feeling to just be you, and alone.   In these situations where family, friends or co-workers are observing your quietness, it stirs up curiosity in people who genuinely care and respect you, as to why you are so contemplative.  Of course, they're simply checking in on you and making sure you are all right, and ready to offer help and advice if needed.  So, it's not  a disruption or intrusion of your privacy, or a meddling person or loved one.  It's simply someone kind enough to ask, "Penny for your thoughts?"

 I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve

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Sunday, August 28, 2022

Feature Post: The Spinning Wheel

 Sometimes it just happens, you wake up head out into the world and you just can't get going.  Even when you are up to the daily challenges the rhythm never catches stride. Work is a great example, as you walk in the door the staffer you are planning a project with is a bit unprepared and is in a disagreeable mood.  There's some agreement on materials used, but no agreement on time and place.  A bit of compromise on labor and design but no accord on budget dollars.  Then there is an about face with the labor compromise, a roadblock!  One step forward two steps backwards.  There is one image that comes to mind during these types of encounters...it's the big "Spinning Wheel", and you're orbiting inside the wheel...round and round and round it goes, when it'll stop no one knows...

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve
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Mindful Post: The Double Road

Every so often we find ourselves facing two paths, or a double road from which we are to choose from.  In the most elementary form, its a good vs bad judgement call that can have bleak consequences, or a good choice with a gratifying end result.  Choosing not to go into that rowdy bar while underage is a very smart choice.  Taking a gamble on a house you can't afford, leads to a major life complication,for sure.  It seems in many cases a good vs. bad choice is obvious which way to go.  Sometimes obvious, loses out to spontaneity, always a risky proposition.  So, when the double road presents itself, have some trust, the good road invariably wins over the bad road.

I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve       

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#lifes experiences

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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Feature Post: You Have A Choice

 As we cruise through our voyages in life, we learn a key principle that engages us almost on a daily basis..."choices."  What we've come to figure out is in most cases it's up to our keen sense of self, circumstances and consequences is what determines the results of our actions.  In some instances, we don't have a choice.  Some precepts in life such as, family situation, health concerns and timing may take the personal preferred choice out of our hands.  That is undeniable for sure.  However, the odds are in our favor to call our own shots so always keep that foremost in your mind.  At last, when the choice presents itself, be expectant and vigilant for the reason being...you have a choice.

 I hope you enjoyed the reading, Steve


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Mending Fences

Sometimes a need to fix is ordered. Differences of opinions and misunderstandings take on of a life of its own. Who's to say is the bigg...